Chapter 4

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"So, how was the first day?" Asked lily.

"Mom, it's not the first day of freshman. I'm used to this school" Harry retorted.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Kids" she muttered.
"James! breakfast!"

"Comin' "

"Sirius just called. He's arriving this week" James informed.

"Yay!" Harry exclaimed.

"Why are you so excited? He was here for half of your summer holidays" argued James.

"Still...I miss him. He's more fun than you" Harry raised his eyebrow.

"Hey! That's not true. I'm fun, more than sirius. Tell him, Lily. Tell him who was fun when we were back in high school and college" James smirked.

"Sirius was" lily admitted with a 'not so surprised' tone.

James' eyes widened while Harry burst out laughing.

"Honestly mom, why didn't you marry sirius?" Harry chuckled.

"Too bad I love this dork then and I still do" lily giggled and kissed James who had a satisfied smile on his face. 

"Okay now, not this in front of your kid" harry made a gagging sound.

"Nonetheless, I am more fun than sirius. You can ask Remus" James stuck out his tongue like a 4-year old child.

"Remus is a nice guy, he'll say whatever you want him to" harry protested.

"That's not--"

"Okay enough! Harry, you should get to school. Isn't ginny coming today?" Lily asked.

Harry shrugged "I'll text her"

Gin👻💖 - you coming? I'm waiting for ya

He got a reply within a minute.

Harry👽❤ - nope, gng with ron.

Harry sighed. Couldn't she just go with me?

Gin👻💖- y? U not ready yet? I can wait🙃

Harry👽❤- no reason. It's ok. Pick up mione, yea?

Weird. Harry thought.

Gin👻💖- ok. See ya at school x

Harry👽❤- see ya x

Harry got another message.

Mione🤓💕- harry, you coming?

Harry😍🥰- yea, jus started

Mione🤓💕- okk xx


"Hey, mione" harry greeted as Hermione sat next to him on the passenger seat.

"Hey" she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

Harry is a bit surprised, is it normal? He shook his head and started the car.

"So, how was France?" Harry asked vaguely.

"Um great! I get to see my cousins, so, can't complain."


"How's your summer? Did anything interesting?"

"Quite a lot actually, Y'know Sirius, my godfather, when he visits, it's always a smash. And with ginny, God, they're both a lot to handle" harry chuckled brightly.  Hermione tensed up to see harry's dazzling smile this close. She shifted her gaze from his face to his hands, one controlling the steering and the left one laying on the gear. Her hands are inches away from his left hand, she's trying hard not to hold his hand. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing lightly.

I didn't knew- Hinny Where stories live. Discover now