Chapter 21

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"Harry, can we talk?" Hermione shook Harry's shoulders.

"Talk? Talk what?" questioned Harry as his hand went for another shot but Hermione grabbed his hand before he could reach it.

"You've had enough to drink, Harry. Look at you" She pointed her hand to Harry's face, he looked flushed from the drinking and a bit tipsy.

"Whaaat?" whined Harry "I'm not even close to having as many shots as Sirius and I'm not even hammered yet. Besides, it's my birthday party. Let go, Hermione" he complained looking at Sirius for approval.

Sirius raised his drink in the air and winked "Cheers! Whatever you want, my godson" Harry grinned and winked back, his hands reaching for the shots again, this time Hermione grabbed it and chugged it down in one go.

"Mione!" Harry protested loudly. "Why would you do that? That's mine" he wailed.

"C'mon, let's get you some water" Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and brought him to the kitchen. He's not stumbling, thankfully, he's not that drunk.

After drinking some water, Harry thanked Hermione. "My idea was to get drunk, not gonna lie but it'll kill me in the morning. Thanks for stopping me. Sirius is a bad influence"

Hermione laughed "Yea, I know that. How do you feel now?"


"Good cause I need to talk to you"

"Oh okay. What is it?" for some odd reason, Harry felt nervous.

"Not here. Can we walk outside?" Hermione suggested.

Harry shrugged and they both started to walk outside towards the tree house.

Hermione sat on the slide and pulled Harry along with her.
"Careful, Mione. I'm still light-headed from the drinking"

"Oh right, sorry" she giggled.

They sat there for a few minutes admiring the sky. But in reality, Harry's thinking about Ginny, being near Tree House always bring back his memories with her. And Hermione's struggling with how to confide everything to Harry.

"So?" Harry asked breaking the silence.

"Right," Hermione rubbed her hands nervously. "Don't talk until I complete"

Harry raised his eyes. "You're making me nervous, Hermione"

Hermione laughed guilty "I know. But just don't talk, okay?"

Harry nodded.

"Okay" Hermione took a long breathes "I had a crush on you since freshman"

Harry choked immediately, his eyes widening "What?" he mumbled.

Hermione sighed "I said do not talk" she whined.

"Okay okay" Harry raised his hands in surrender.

"So, it's the middle of freshman, you were saving a girl from some seniors, how very heroic of you" she chuckled " I admired you then but somehow it turned into a crush. I couldn't unsee it, you know, I was blinded by your looks, you were just so brave and sensible. I remember how much I wanted to be yours. I tried to sort out my feelings, I thought they'll go away after the summer holidays, too bad, they were only intensified because I missed you."

Harry just gazed at her, with his eyes blurted and mouth hanging open and he looked a bit dizzy from the drinking.

"Sophomore year- I told Ginny. She has been a great friend. I was too ready to ask you out to the ball, well, you introduced Elle. You dated her for a week, the longest week of my life. I was the happiest when you both separated. Sorry, not sorry. Later, I never tried to tell you how I felt because you never looked at me like how I looked at you. I shamelessly tried to get your attention Harry, many times, hoping you'd notice me. It never happened. It was not until junior year we became good friends, I selfishly wanted more though. That year was a blur anyway. I got engaged in the school newspaper and Ron was there. You were there too but not for me. I liked you, Harry- so much that I don't remember much other than obsessing over you"

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