Target: Old Ghost 9

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Yue Chu is collecting information about his family on the Internet. As an ordinary person, it is basically impossible to investigate the wealthy and nobles, so he can only use the Internet as a tool to try to spy on a corner.

However, all the information shows that there is only one heir to the Xie family, and it is Xie Mingyu. Xie Mingyu is an only child and is in good health. He has never heard of any strange illnesses.

However, Yue Chu was not optimistic about the authenticity of this information.

After all, the Xie family would definitely not allow these shady things to be placed on the table.

He frowned slightly, only to feel that he was struggling. With no money and no power, he is an ordinary worker in this world.

Coupled with the restrictions of a society under the rule of law, it is impossible to rush into the Xie family and hold the wooden warehouse against the Xie family patriarch's head to find Xie Wei.

It is estimated that if the person is rescued, he will also be rewarded with a pair of silver bracelets and ten years of food and lodging service.

What makes him most strange is that according to the setting, he should easily meet Xie Wei to trigger the plot, but this time he has not seen the shadow of the male protagonist.

Forget it, let's wait a while.

Yue Chu couldn't think of a way for the time being, so he had to put things aside and deal with work first.

Ordinary people's work is really difficult to do. He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and began to fill out his resume.

His live broadcast platform has been severely cracked down recently, and he has to re-fill in the information, which is too troublesome.

Looking at the ID photo that he couldn't adjust, Yue Chu's eyes moved, and she picked up the phone with a chuckle.

"Are you there? Please do me a favor. "

Fang Tian was patrolling his world boringly. The Fang world that he had just built by himself at the beginning made him feel quite interesting.

The appearance of those people struggling to survive in it was able to please him.

But after a long time, it became boring. Until now, he has even changed his ordinary inspections from once a few days to once every two or three months.

The dark gate stood in an empty nothingness, and various terrifying and bloody pictures flashed from time to time in the darkness that flowed like a living thing. It was the small worlds created by Fang Tian.

In this cold and silent darkness, the crisp bell tinkled, breaking the silent silence and bringing the whole nothingness to life.

The mobile phone floated up, Fang Tian looked at the message Yue Chu sent him with interest, and quickly replied.

"If you have anything, just say it. "

Yue Chu slowly drank her newly made soy milk, with a strong soy flavor and tangy fragrance, and it was drawn into her stomach with warm enthusiasm, which made her whole body warm up.

The Green Tea Targets the wrong Person [ BL ] ~ COMPLETED ~Where stories live. Discover now