The End

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Xiao Xiong happily waved his magic wand and came to Yue Chu, picked up his handkerchief and wiped away tears that did not exist:

"Host, your mission has been successfully completed. Now it's time to receive rewards. Please confirm whether you want to fulfill your wish for rebirth? ”    

 Yue Chu looked at the panel in front of him, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the little bear's ear and pulled it in front of him.     

“Why, do you still want to lie to me? ”     

The little bear blinked helplessly, completely unable to understand what he meant.     

Still pretending? Yue Chu raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Then I want to change the reward, can I? ”     

Xiao Xiong was taken aback and murmured, “However, if you don't choose to be reborn, your final result will still be death. ”    

 Yue Chu shrugged, looked at it with a smile, and said softly: “I don't care, death is not terrible for me. ”     

Xiao Xiong was anxious: "How can you not care? Think about your beautiful life, think about your relatives and lovers, don't you want to go back to see them? ”     

Yue Chu shook her head: “My parents passed away in their early years, and there is no one in the family. As for lovers... have you forgotten that the general and I have broken up? ”    

 He stared at the bear deeply, as if to penetrate the hypocritical skin and see the hidden secrets clearly.    

Xiao Xiong turned his eyes, was silent for a while, and then reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then what do you want to change? Out of kindness, I told you that there is nothing more suitable for you than life. ”     

Yue Chu flicked his head fiercely, a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes.     
“I want to see the general again. ”     

Excuse me? !     

Xiao Xiong looked at him stiffly, but he didn't expect Yue Chu to express such a wish. Just now, he clearly……   

  It frowned on its furry face, clenched its small hands into fists, and directly pinched the silver magic wand.     

Yue Chu tugged at its face amused: “Why, this makes you angry? ”     

Between the flint and the electric light, Xiao Xiong seemed to be aware of something. His little black eyes looked at Yue Chu in disbelief, and he would not repeat the silly sweetness of the past: “Are you playing tricks on me?" ! ”     

Yue Chu admitted it casually, just playing with it, somehow.     

Xiao Xiong shook off his hand, floated in front of him with a cold expression on his face, and said solemnly, “When did you find out?" ”     

Yue Chu nodded leisurely, when will it be?     

In fact, in the first world, he didn't find a problem. He just wanted to test the bottom line of the system, so he deliberately chose Wei Xiangyang instead of Du Guzhou at the beginning to see what the consequences would be if he didn't follow the system's requirements. Consequences.     

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