Chapter 4

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Mitch's POV

Okay this was it. On the other side of the door was my new sub. I really hoped that I got the girl that I saw earlier. There was something about her that made me curious. The way he kneeled without bowing her head made me want to spank her. I walked to the door and I opened it. And then there she was. The girl who caught my attention was standing on my door and she was looking straight into my eyes. I looked behind her and saw Brad's submissive kneeling at his door waiting for him. I glared at my new sub.

"What are you looking at?!" She said, half shouting. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. Never, in my whole life as a dominant, I had a sub that yelled at me. This was even worse than yelling. I barely knew her and she was already being disrespectful. I was so close to dragging her and spank her, but my conscience held me back. 

"Aren't you supposed to be kneeling?" I said to her with a surprisingly calm tone. I was hoping that she would realise her mistake, get down on her knees, and apologise. But what I got in reply was far more shocking than her first words. She threw me a smirk. But not just a regular smirk. This was the smirk that could make you worry about your life. Okay, now I was worried.

"Oh shut up!" She said rolling her eyes. She barged into the room, pushing me a little bit on the process and dropped her bags beside the couch. She then jumped on the couch, and changed the show that I was watching on the TV earlier. Not just any TV, but my TV.

"Excuse me?" I said to her. My patience was running out, and I didn't want to show my angry side on the first day.

"Who is the dominant here?" I said with my dom voice. I didn't know what was wrong with this girl but no sub could speak to me like that.

"You are.." She said and I almost put a satisfied smile before she continued. "but you're not my dom. That's for sure."

"You know what, that's it!" I shouted at her. This was getting out of control and she needed to know her place. Now. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to her bedroom. She struggled to get away but that only made my grip tighter. I threw her on the bed, and I walked out not forgetting to lock the door.

I walked to my room and I could hear her screaming curse words at me. If my dad hadn't trained me, I would have beaten her until she was bleeding. But she was lucky because my dad trained me well enough to control my anger. I went to my room and grabbed the things I would be needed for her punishment. I decided to grab a gag and a paddle.

On my way back to her room, I noticed that the screaming and cursing was now gone. I didn't know if I should be glad or worried. I was grabbing the room key in my pocket when I heard that she was talking to someone. I immediately unlocked the door and was surprised to see what was in the room. She was laying on her stomach,  with her legs kicking in the air. She was talking on the phone with god knows who. I cleared my throat to get her attention, but she gave me the ' wait a moment ' hand signal. This is fucking unbelievable! I couldn't take it anymore. I snatched her phone and threw it to the ground.

"What the fuck!! That's my phone you asshole!!" She shouted and slapped me.

"The fuck did you just do???!!!!!" I said in shocked. I just got slapped by a girl. Not just a girl, but my sub. My sub! I was extremely angry at this point! I didn't care about her, all I wanted to do was hit her with the paddle until her ass was bleeding.

"Did Scarlett never tell you that it was unacceptable to curse at a dominatrix?" My eyes went wide. How did she know about Scarlett? No one in this place knew about that except for the principal and Brad. Not even the teachers knew about my secret. But how could she know this? Who was she?

"Aw babe, there's no need to freak out." She said with a grin.

"How do you know?!" I said taking a step back.

"About how daddy told you to become a sub so that you can be a better dom? Or about how you broke Scarlett's rule by breaking that cock cage and jerk off in the middle of the night?" She said, her smirk wider than ever.

I was freaking out at this point. This girl knew everything about me, while I knew nothing about her. I didn't even know her name. The knock on the door saved my life from this humiliating moment. I opened it and Brad came in, his sub nowhere to be seen.

"Maddy???" Brad said when he saw my sub. So that was her name. Wait, how did he know her?

"Brad? Oh my god!" She smiled and ran into his arms. Okay this is getting awkward. Who is she and how did she know my cousin?

"What are you doing here?" Brad said as the two of them walked towards my couch and sat there, totally ignoring the fact that I was there and that it was my room.

"Um.. Brad?"


"Who is she?" I asked and he gave me the 'seriously man' look. I just shrugged my shoulder. He sighed.

"Mitch, this is Madeline Vernox. She is--"

"Vernox as in Jonathan Vernox?" I cut him off.

"Yes. Jonathan Vernox is my dad." She said and rolled her eyes. Now I knew why she looked familiar to me. She is the daughter of my dad's business partners.

Remember when I told you that my dad owned the best BDSM club? Well Jonathan Vernox, or Madeline's dad, was his supplier. Dad bought all of the gears and accessories from him. Dad said that the Vernox had the best quality toys in the country. He said that as the best club, he also needed to have the best toys, so he ordered the toys from Vernox. Sometimes he even ordered a custom made toys for mom. Jonathan Vernox often came to the club to talk to my dad. Madeline once came with her dad to the club, and I saw her playing with a sub while waiting, and that was why I recognised her.

"Okay Brad, no need to explain. I know who she is." I said smiling at him. He just nodded and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

"How did you know about Scarlett?" I asked her bluntly once Brad was out of sight. I understood the fact that she became a sub. My dad must have told her dad about the 'being a sub before a dom' thing and her dad did the same thing to her as mine did to me. However, I still had no idea about how she knew what happened with Scarlett.

"Oh Scarlett is my best friend. Did you know that she called me crying that night?" She what? No, Scarlett wouldn't cry about something like this. She was the most manly woman that I had ever seen. She would cry only if somebody was dead.

"Haha nice try." I said and she just glared at me. What? Is she even serious?

"She really cried?" She nodded her head.


"Tsk tsk.. cursing again?" She said crossing her arms. "Did Scarlett allow you to curse?" She approached me and I felt a little bit intimidated.

"Um.." I gulped "no. But she doesn't have control over me here. In this place, I'm the dom." I said trying to sound as confident as I could but it was cleared that I failed miserably at that. She just chuckled slightly and went back to look into my eyes. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. Brad came back from the bathroom just when she was about to say something. I would have to thank him for saving me today. Not once, but twice.

"So Maddy, tell me why are you doing here?" Brad asked her as he took a seat on the couch next to Maddy while I sat across them.

Maddy started to tell him every single detail as to why she was here as a sub. She told him about how her dad visited mine a while ago, and came back with the idea that she should go to this school as a sub. Great! Thanks a lot dad. She also told him how her dad threatened to cut off her allowance and ban her from every club if she didn't go to this school. Well, now I kinda felt bad about her. She was in the exact situation that I was right now. I handled it better than her thought, but it didn't matter.

"So, thanks to you, you jack ass!" She said to me and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"You're welcome, babe." I said and smirked at her. If she wanted to play this game, then I was in. But we were going to do it my way. Oh, I had plans. Plenty of it as matter of fact. I would just have to find her weakness and attacked her with it. Maybe, if I was lucky, I could even break her. Who knows.

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