Chapter 6

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Mitch's POV

"You what????!!!!"

She just stayed silent. What the hell is going on here. First, Scarlett found out that I wasn't a sub, but now I found out that she wasn't a dom either. This is fucked up.

"But I tho--"

"It's my dad. He's a dom too. A famous and well respected one. I've been in this lifestyle for as long as I can remember, but dad knows me as a mistress."

I just nodded as she continued telling her story.

"Well I am at first, but then I realized that I don't like it so I became a sub instead and I loved it. But I didn't tell my dad that. He clearly stated when he first knew that I was into this lifestyle that no child of his can become a sub. So here I am. He applied me to this school so that I can learn how to become a proper mistress so that I can manage his club once I graduate."

I just stood there speechless. I didn't know what to say. Or what to do. The hell am I supposed to do now?

"How about we all go grab some food? Let's just forget everything for a moment and get some shit to eat." Maddy said and we all agreed.

We need to get some fresh air after this shocking moment, and besides I was hungry as fuck. This whole twisted story made me hungry so a pizza would be good now. So all of us including Brad and his Sub went to the parking lot to get our cars. Students actually weren't allowed to go outside of the school area but Brad and I were exceptions so we're good to go.

We can't go to the pizza place in one car because apparently all of us has two-seater, so Maddy and Scarlett went together, Brad and his Sub together, and I was left to drive alone. That's fine with me though. I could use some alone time to process all the informations I just got.

We got to the place about 15 minutes later and decided to seat on a booth. We placed our orders and talked once the waiter left our table. It was a light talk.

"So we didn't really get a chance to get to know each other. I'm Mitch, and what's your name?" I asked Brad's Sub. He looked at Brad for a moment asking for permission and answered me when Brad nodded.

"My name is Olivia, Sir."

"Oh.. It suits you. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I smiled widely while reaching for her palm.

"Hands off my Sub, you horny bastard!" Brad smacked my hands making everyone on our table including me chuckled.

We spent the rest of lunch time talking to each other. Well Brad, Scarlett, and Maddy were. They were catching up on each other. I didn't know Brad and Maddy were that close but, oh well. Meanwhile Olivia and I were on the quiet side. I didn't really know what to talk about so I just kept my mouth shut and listened to them chatting instead.

We went back to our dorm about 45 minutes later and I headed straight to my bedroom.

"Mitch?" I heard someone called my name and saw Scarlett standing on the door. I motioned her to come in and pat the space on the bed beside me.

"What's wrong, Scar?"

"Um.. I was wondering. Since we both already know about each other's secrets, why don't we switch roles?"

I raised my brow at her idea. Switching roles?

"Only inside our dorm, I mean. Outside the dorm I would be your mistress and you're my sub since we can't let our parents find out."

I slowly nodded at this idea. Yeah, it was a great idea! I would only be a sub outside the dorm. I mean, it's better than being a sub 24/7 when I was really a dom.

"Yeah sure that could work. Are you fine with being my sub though? I don't want you to do this because you feel that you have to. You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, I'm perfectly fine with being your sub." She smiled so I just nodded. We sat there in silence for about 5 minutes before she excused herself out of my room.

Once she's outside I let out a heavy sigh. One problem solved, and now I would have to deal with Maddy. Things with Scarlett are not complicated because I'm a dom and she's a sub so we just switch roles. But with Maddy, we're both dominants and god knows what will happen if two dominants try to fight for control. Ugh I hate dealing with this.

After a few minutes of just staring at the blank wall I decided to go to the living room where the others are.

"There he is." Brad said with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Please shut up. I'm not in the mood for any of this shit."

"Chill dude. Are you on your period? Cuz you're more sensitive than ex when she was on hers."

Ugh he just wouldn't shut up. I threw a pillow at him, which he dodged easily, and he just gave me another smirk. Stupid son of a bitch!

"So Scar, how's things between you and Mitch?" Maddy asked Scarlett who just looked at me asking if she could tell her. I just nodded. I mean, they would know sooner or later so let's just get this over with.

"It's settled. Inside our room he will be the dom, but outside he'll be my sub because our parents can't find out that we know the truth about each other. What about you and Mitch?"

"I don't want to submit to him."

"Even in class?" I asked and she nodded.

"Maddy you know you can't do this. Your dad will find out." Brad said worriedly.

"I don't care. If he banned me from the club I'll just make my own club and earn money from there. It's not hard to make a successful BDSM club with my last name. So don't worry about me."

Wait, I could do that too. I mean I have my dad's last name so reputation won't be a problem. I can have my own BDSM club and earn my own money. The best thing is I can live on my own with that money so I don't have to follow my dad's stupid rules anymore. Damn that girl is smart.

"Why don't we make a BDSM club together?" I asked and she just raised a brow.

"I mean our parents are already partners, so why don't we partner up as well? With both our names written on the front sign, the club will be the most popular club in the country."

She stayed silent for a moment before a smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah we can do that. I love the idea."

"I'm not liking any of this. If your parents found out, you guys will be dead." Brad said and we all sigh.

"Brad you pùssy. Man up a little. Everything will be fine." I said and he just glared at me.

"Fine! But don't say that I never warned you guys okay?"

"Yes daddy." Maddy and I said simultaneously and we both laughed.

Hey guys sorry for the super long wait but here's the next chapter I hope you guys like it. And thanks for the 2k reads. I can't believe it would reach 2k but it did. Thankyou so much.

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