[Vol 1]: The Ocean's Secrets.

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....its dark...

Very dark...

in this darkness there is one voice...

???: Man i am SO hungry! why does nothing down here taste good!

The ocean is a cruel place, but to this voice. the cruelest part is the lack of food diversity.

???: Oh god do i have another voice in my head!? No i already have Gawr i don't need you aswell!.. wait that was kinda rude i'm sorry.

Wait you can hear me!?

???: Yeah duh! whats your name?

I.. don't really have a name.. i'm just a voice..

???: Huh.. I'll name you later, right now i'm hungry.

You said you had a problem with the food here being too bland did you not?

???: Yep! its just shrimp and fish down here... i wish there was something else to eat... Uuggh.. I envy Gawr's ability to eat literally anything... i'm serious i saw her eat a Tyre once!

...excuse me what?

???: Nevermind!

Okay.. what if i told you there was a land above this ocean that had significantly better food?


Yes! normally i can't directly interfere with you people but seeing as how you can hear me, i may as well lend you a hand.

???: Sweet! also i figured out a name for you! its 『Fate』!

『Fate』: Alright... So, you need to swim to the surface.

???: But 『Fate』thats really far away!!

『Fate』: i know but it'll be worth it i promise.

???: Okay.. i'm trusting you here... you better not screw me over though! i'll bite ya!

『Fate』: I am a disembodied voice. you can't bite me.

???: oh right... Still i'll make ya pay if you mess with me! Hoocha style!


(Y/N): Watson why are we here?

Watson: Excellent question my assistant! i have a job to do!

(Y/N): you have a job?!

Watson: Yeah! look at me! i'm a detective.

(Y/N): wait really!?

Watson: look at my outfit! doesn't it scream "Detective" 

(Y/N): Hmmm.. screams something alright.

Watson: *she lightly bonks me* Don't mock me!

(Y/N): Okay okay!, why did i need to come with you by the way?

Watson: you need to get out the house more! you've done nothing but play video games for 6 days!

(Y/N): Okay fine!.. but in my defense Pokemon is addicting.

Watson: Where did you get the money to buy a Nintendo switch anyway!?

(Y/N): Bubba got me it.


(Y/N): Sorry Bubba i had no other choice! she was gonna interrogate me!

Watson: Whatever. we've got a case to solve!

(Y/N): That case is?

Watson: Someone stole all the food in the bakery AND the Pizza store!




(Y/N): I've got a bad feeling about this.


Don't worry about the fourth wall. i replaced it with a Door instead.

Holo- What now?!: Hololive X male reader Rewrite:Where stories live. Discover now