The Fall... in the Park

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Hello!, this is the first story in English I dare to upload here, others are in Archive of our Own, sorry for any typo, horrorgraphy and bad use of verbs!


Saturday in the morning, (Y/N) got off her bed yawning “Why do I still doing this? I wanna sleep”
After saying that, a loud bark was heard “Ah, I remember. Hey buddy” A big Golden Retriever showed up inside her bedroom wiggling his tail
“Give me a sec until I’m ready”

I’m talking with my dog, that’s normal right? She asked herself while changing with sportswear.

She lived alone… with her dog, working in a Library with a comfortable schedule.
Her home wasn’t big, but not small, just enough for Rigby to walk free around.
“You ready?” she said more excited, the dog followed her to the door so she could put his strap.

The path was this: first walking until they arrive the park, then they will run along the bank, (Y/N) always in the shadow side of the way.

The place was secure so the people could free their dogs, but the woman knew Rigby too well.

Listening to (F/G) so she could relax, watching the trees, all the people playing with their dogs.
Was perfect until she didn’t feel the strap in her left hand, stopping abruptly she watched again her hand nothing¸ that wasn’t a good sign.

Looking everywhere she noticed the golden fur not so far from her spot “Oh no!”
Rigby was on top of a man licking his face “Oh bad boy!” she came running with her hair all over her face “I’m so sorry, he usually don’t do that” she said while trying to grab his dog collar.

“It is fine, Miss. I think he didn’t want to hurt me, didn’t he?” he said with a smile.

When she looked so up to see the man’s face, noticed he was handsome, a perfect nose, blond-ish hair with matching green eyes, and… tall.
He wasn’t dressed to do exercise but not too formal.
Maybe he saw her staring so he coughed a little.
Coming back to reality she kept apologizing “I should have secured him more! Sorry! I still don’t know why he did that”

“It’s okay, well, what is you and your dog’s name?” he answer in a casual manner.

Yet embarrassed she put a strand of her (H/C) behind her ear “Oh… I’m (Y/N), and this is Rigby” she said motioning to her dog.
The tall man offered his hand to the woman and she accepted, then he stroked Rigby’s head.

“Rigby? I think a had a deja-vu” was said. “And is nice to meet you both. I’m Lee”

Now (Y/N) was the one with the memory “Nice to meet you, Lee” she smiled, and after a moment added “A deja-vu? From where if I can ask” she said more curious.

“My work, uhm, there was a dog with a similar name” she didn’t try to push further and decided to change the subject.
“Uh… would you like an ice cream? I don’t know, something to compensate the fall. And, by the way you have… grass” she said whereas stood behind him to remove the chunks of grass on his back “you have more down there you know” she added turning red.

They looked at each other and just laughed.

While he was removing the last pieces he said. “Thanks, and… about that” Doubting, she thought he would reject her.
“What about we go for a coffee and some pie?”

Releasing the air she didn’t know was holding she said “Sounds good”

The both… the three got to a near coffee shop, Lee and (Y/N) have a great conversation.
It seemed fluid and they talked about a lot of things. But they decided that is was late and they had go back.
“This is the most interesting Saturday I had. Well, since Rigby found an owl’s nest” that caused Lee a light laugh.

“I really enjoyed it too. I…” he made a pause “I would like to have your number, so we can keep talking, If you like!”

She bit her lip happy “Sure” after adding her number to his contact list they said their goodbyes.
When (Y/N) and Rigby went back to their home she texted her best friend.

Hey! Guess who I met… A hint: Was our favourite pie maker!

The Fall... in the Park (Lee Pace x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now