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Somewhere on the far side of England stood 'the finest place in Bristol' ~ The Zabini Manor. Blaise Zabini was the only child of Esmerelda Zabini. Mrs Zabini was a famously beautiful witch who had been married 7 times, each of her husbands dying mysteriously and leaving her mounds of gold. But she had only ever loved one of them: Blaise's father who had left her when she was pregnant with Blaise. Esmerelda had sworn to herself that she would never fall in love again and would do anything to protect her son and give him the life she could never have, even if that meant getting married every 2 years and being labelled as the 'black widow' just so she could get wealthy and provide the best of the best for Blaise.

Blaise Zabini was a Slytherin 6th year ~ a tall black boy with high cheekbones and long, slanting eyes. The half italian was beautiful, there was no doubt about it, his face never showed any emotion and he always kept himself to himself - unless you count his mother and his best friend Theodore Nott. Theo was tall boy with brunette hair and had sharp cheekbones and a jawline that could slice a throat in a second. Him and blaise were friends since they were 3 years old, both their mothers went to beaubaxtons together.

The Slytherins all respected him - some would even go as far to call him 'The Slytherin Prince'. He loved the attention, even if he would never show it, he loved the fact that the younger students would cower away from him as soon as they sensed his presence. Many girls swooned over him, but he never bothered paying them any attention. He always thought of himself to be above everyone else and that noone would ever be good enough for him.
That is until he met a certain transfer student by the name of Esmee du mont............

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