chapter 1

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Narrator pov:

"Oh mon dieu, im late!" Esmee frantically jumped out of her queen sized bed after checking her watch that lay on her bedside table, it was 10:10am and the gate to the hogwarts express closes at 11:00. She ran to her en suite and splashed some water on her face before brushing her teeth in a hurry. The french beauty ran back to her dressing table to apply some makeup and soon found herself looking for some boots to match with her black oversized leathered blazer and long flared trousers.

After looking in the mirror one last time, Esmee made her way downstairs: her face in flawless makeup and her hair tied in a low french braid.
" Esmee dear, your going to be late" madame Derilah spoke from where she was sitting at the dining table that stood in the centre of the vast kitchen.
"So sorry mamá, I overslept" replied Esmee hastily as she walked towards the stack of toasts. She picked one from the top of the pile and began to bite it while looking at todays articles in the daily prophet.
"Dont worry about it ma princesse, let's leave now otherwise the gate will close" monsieur Americk spoke in his thick french accent.

All three Du Monts walked towards their grand fireplace, and took turns to walk into it and exclaim: 'KINGS CROSS STATION'
Esmee pushed her trolley over to platform 9 and 3/4 while her parents were silently trudging along, hand in hand.
A professor from Hogwarts named Filius Flitwick had come to the Du Mont Manor to explain what Esmee needed to do: she had to run through the barriers 9 and 10.

Eyes closed, she raced towards the brick wall, it took her a while as she had to push her enormous trolley infront of her, but she had done it.
A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said 'Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock '. Esmee looked behind her and saw a wrought-iron archway where the ticket box had been with the words: Platform Nine and Three Quarters' on it.
'im actually here, im not dreaming right?' said a voice in Esmee's head.

Esmee shook all the thoughts out of her head and turned to her parents who were taking in the enchanting sights around them.
"Mamá, papá, tu vas me manquer" she said with tears in her eyes. (I will miss you)
"Esmee ma princesse, tu vas nous manquer aussi" Monsieur Amery replied to his daughter who was now on the verge of tears. ( we will miss you too my princess)


Authors note

sorry about the short chapters im too lazy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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