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Hello this book is about heathenry and all its paths holidays mythos etc. what is heathenry you may ask. Well it's a pagan religion or path there's multiple heathen religions asatru venatru thursatru odinism tribal heathenry and even just Norse paganism in general we will go into each paths specifics but we will start with traditional heathenry sometimes known as tribal heathenry to my knowledge this I know more about because it's my path bare with me I'm bad at English and still have much to learn about the faith anything you think I need to research more and update I will do my best anything you think I need to add just ask and I will after research for me this is a project to help people including myself better understand heathenry it is the religion of pre Christian Norse society.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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