𝐢. wake up, darling, life is not fair!

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canyon moon!

chapter one❝wake up, darling, life is not fair!❞

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chapter one
wake up, darling, life is not fair!

GRACE FAWLEY ONCE AGAIN was rethinking her life, her choices, and anything that had to be with being alive for the past seventeen years. That is lots of years and wrong choices that obviously, she made, if she didn't, she wouldn't be in this bloody situation.

The girl would like to believe life was going good for once, that maybe she could have her last year in peace, but fate had other plans ( well thinking back, she hasn't had a normal year since Harry Potter appeared through those big wooden doors, five years ago, disaster following him all around ).

It was a strange feeling, an overwhelming and hideous sensation, knowing some pillocks could ruin her life in just a sentence. All her reputation, ( a good one, of course, don't think bad of her, she might be a bit of a troublemaker herself but she had an excellent facade around most of the people, especially adults and professors ) and hard work would be gone for a pair of nasty mouths.

Grace groaned, dropping her face on the table, "Bloody. fucking. gingers!" she whispered, hitting her face repeatedly against the table, maybe her suffering would go away, but unlikely when she had a double class with that frog at first hour. She hated Wednesdays, DADA with Umbridge, and potions with Snape, how charming.

"Grace?" Poppy sat in front of her, confused by her friend's actions which were catching the attention of many young Ravenclaw students through the table, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" she whispered, making Grace look up.

"Life is wrong, Poppy"

"Oh" the brunette chuckled at her, putting some pancakes on their plates ( with extra blueberries for Grace ) "Honey, life is never right, that is one of the bloody things I know too well"

Grace rolled her eyes when Poppy put the plate in front of her nose so she could eat, nonetheless, she took the knife and fork and started eating because life could be awful but pancakes might make it better, just a bit.

"So. . . what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it" the girl shook her head, eating the blueberries, taking in the way some more syrup from the table, purring it over the pancakes. Poppy started at her, nibbling her blueberry pancakes, she looked like hell.


"For seven years I have been very careful with everything I do, trying not to leave any trail behind me, so I would never be caught, I have everything under control, a plan that must be followed in that way everything goes good" Grace exploded, of course, Poppy knew it would happen, she tends to do that, she said she didn't want to talk about it and it becomes the topic of the conversation for the following hours.

𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 ⋆ george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now