Ch. 19 { URF BITCHES }

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We were all chilling at our house and We all decided to play all man URF. There are like 50 of us because Coast isn't here and Elements are just looking around LA. Since there are gonna be 65 games there are gonna be 10 team captains... Damn. The team captains were Bjerg, Sneaky, Doublelift, Aphromoo, Bunny FuFuu, XiaoWeiXiao, Piglet, Slooshi, Pobelter, and Meteos. We basically just picked the people that would be annoying if they were on the same team for instance Doublelift and Aphromoo also Meteos and Sneaky.
"Wait how are we all gonna play at the same time?" Adrian asks
"She has an assload of computers she doesn't use." I say pointing a thumb at Taylor
She puts her hand up in surrender.
"Literally I have one monitor for the game. Another for CS:GO, another for facebook, and another for twitter." She says laughing
"If the amount of money you spent turned into pounds you would be gravity's favorite person." I say
"Hey!" The team Gravity shouts
"Not you! Like earth gravity." I say
We all laugh at our stupidity.
Teams have been chosen and I'm just gonna say my team... Bjerg, me, Xpecial, Azingy, and ZionSpartan. It doesn't matter if my and Bjerg are both mid laners because this is URF. Who actually plays their role. There's not even a point in having a jungler because anyone can take camps by spamming skills... We are going against Pobelter, Quas, IWDominate, KiWiKiD, and Apollo. We all agreed that every team has to play Ezreal. I took Ezreal, Bjerg on Zed (gg game over ff at 30 sec), Xpecial on Lulu, Azingy on Karthus, and Zion on Hecarim (I don't remember what champs are specifically banned from being played in URF if any of these champs are then sorry...).
Dude I'm in love with this game... just spamming skills. This should be a permanent game mode. Like seriously.
"What the hell Bjerg." We all said through the microphones laughing
He was ranting on and on about trying to kill Santorin. Yea that hasn't happened yet. Dude Santorin is tanky as fuck like if you shoot your ult it looks like you shot a few auto attacks at him.
We made Bjerg back door because this game was honestly getting boring (Zed backdoor = XPeke yesterday).
We finished it by Bjerg taking down the Nexus and the rest of us stopping the other team's recalls.

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