Ch. 29 { broke it to me }

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TSM just lost against Team Liquid with Keith in it. I was in the TSM room because my game already passed. Loco sounded like he broke the door. He like smashed it open which made me a jump and scream a little. That's how loud it was. He yells at the team to get inside. What the hell what is he so angry about?! I backed up into a corner with the chair. I've never seen loco like this and I don't want to again. He slammed the door shut and started yelling at the team.
"Bjerg in team fights you are supposed to do a bunch of damage because you are the main damage dealer plus the most fed one. Why don't you do just that?! It's so easy!" Loco shouts
I held my hand out for Bjerg and he held it tightly. I assume that he's kinda afraid too.
"Maybe I know why. It's her isn't it. You guys probably fucked a thousand times in the year you've been dating. She's the distraction. If you are gonna play like this then don't even be on the team." Loco shouts at Bjerg
Everyone looks at us.
"Maybe she's the reason why everyone misplayed a lot!" Loco continues shouting
"Don't expect to see me again Since I'm not welcome. I'll make sure to destroy you next time we play." I say pushing him out of the way leaving the room
I hear Bjerg chasing after me but the footsteps soon stopped. I assume loco stopped him. It's just a loss not that big of a deal... They are still top anyways.
I slammed the door frustrated.
"We heard the shouting." Taylor says standing gesturing a hug
I hugged her. Then later I felt the rest join the hug.
"thanks guys. Let's destroy them I'm excited." I say doing an evil smirk
"I wanna crush loco." I say clenching my fist
"4 more weeks." Vanessa says
"All I have to do is get solo kills on Bjerg and I'm pretty sure Serena can get a solo kill on Dyrus. If not I can roam top if I do get the solo kill." I say
"Roam bot too!" Vanessa says
"Yeah but you normally get ahead. We need to delay Dyrus from getting tanky as much as possible because that's majority of their front line. Santorin is pretty tanky too but if I get someone like Cassiopeia or Leblanc I can easily shred him into pieces." I say
"Well someone took my job." Hailey jokes
"Sorry I'm kinda all caught up on wanting to beat them." I say
"It's fine revenge is repeated in my dictionary a lot." She says smirking
"I wanna show loco what a really depressing loss is." I murmur

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