I like your voice*

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WARNINGS: Fingering, and a bit of swearing.

It was a Saturday morning and so I decided to go to the library. I didn't want to go alone so I dragged Matt along even though he hates the library. "Matt come on! You're being so fucking slow!" I complained as I put on my navy blue coat that reaches my down to my waist. My hair was tied back and I had my book bag, ready to go. "I'm coming darling. Just hold on." He replied as he combed his hair. I still wonder how a blind person combs their hair. I guess you just hope for the best. He was finally ready and so we held hands and walked to the library that was two blocks down from us together. When we got their, the librarian greeted us with a kind smile. We headed to the back of the library where all my favorite books are. I tried to look for some books that is written in braille but unfortunately there wasn't any. "I'm sorry Matt, it seems like all the braille books are out of order." I sighed. "It's alright. I mean, I wouldn't mind if you read something to me." He smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked. I knew Matt didn't like audio books since he didn't like their voice for some reason so I guess the only way to keep him entertained was to read to him. I grabbed a random book off of the popular shelf and started on the first page. "You ready?" I asked nervously. "Yes." He answered. I cleared my throat, glanced at Matt and started on the first sentence.

(Comment on what book do you think this is.)

"I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lung burst, but you can't make your body move fast enough. My legs seemed to move slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd, but the hands on the huge clock tower didn't slow. With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end, the end of everything." 

I read and finished the first paragraph of the book. "You have a nice voice Y/n." Matt complimented. It's a good thing that he was blind because my face turned scarlet red as I blushed really hard. "T-Thanks." I replied. "Please continued." He said. I sighed and continued on the next paragraph. 

"But this was no dream, and unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life. I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. My own life meant little to me to-"

I stopped. My breath trembled as I felt something on my thigh, dangerously close to my core. I looked down and saw Matt's hand on my thigh. He moved closer and closer to the core and teased me. "Matt. P-Please, we're in public." I stuttered. "Relax darling, let me make you feel good." He said in a low voice and smirked. This man is going to be the death of me. I held the book tightly in my hands as Matt's fingers slipped into my lacy underwear. I silently moaned as his cold fingers pressed against my cool skin. He started rubbing circles on my swollen clit as I tried my very best to stay silent. Then he slipped his fingers inside my burning core and curled as he hit my G-spot. I moaned quite loudly and quickly covered my mouth. He went in and out roughly as I tried to stay in my spot, trying not to fall down. "Fuck." I moaned. After a while, I finally felt the knot in my stomach and my thigh shook and my eyes rolled back. I dropped my book loudly on the floor as I came on Matt's fingers and the librarians looked at me in concerned. "Are you alright dear?" One of the librarian asked. "Y-Yeah, I umm, I'm fine. Thanks." I said and blushed in embarrassment. 

"Matt, I think we should go." I suggested. "As you wish darling." He smirked and we both walk out of the library. "I guess the library is not so bad after all." Matt said as he slid his arms around my waist as we walked back to our apartment. "Yeah right." I scoffed.

 As we entered our apartment, we took of our coats and kicked off our shoes quickly. Matt slammed his mouth in to mine and lifted my body on the table and kissed my neck. "Round two?" He asked. I giggled. "Sure Matt, sure."

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