Chapter 95

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Wanda's POV:

I pace around the living room as Nat watches me groaning. "Wanda you're making me anxious with all of your damn pacing!" I stop in my tracks and start taking deep breathes. "I know you're nervous and everything about Y/n. But I'm sure everything's ok."

"It's been two hours they should've been back by now though!" I sigh in frustration and begin pacing again.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna tie you to a chair if you don't stop pacing!" She groans in annoyance, so I stop in my tracks again. "I'm sure they're ok-"

Suddenly we hear the front door swing open and shut. Peter and Steve come rushing in with Y/n in Peters arms. "Y/n!? What the hell happened!?" They keep going as me and Nat look at each other worriedly. "Wait!" Me and Nat quickly follow after them to Bruce.

"Peter? Steve?? What happened??" Bruce furrows his brows as Peter lays Y/n down on the bed.

"Yes please tell us what happened!" I say as we run into the room.

"I don't know! Everything was fine and then suddenly we heard explosions. So we ran over to the building to see Y/n up in one of the windows yelling for us. They looked hurt so Steve told me to get up there and help them. By the time I was getting up there the... the door below them collapsed.." I gasp covering my mouth as he continues. "I went and found them unconscious on the ground under some debris... I got them out and made it out of the collapsing building.." Peter begins crying as I stand there in disbelief.

I walk slowly over to Y/n who's barely breathing, "Y/n no..." I grab their face as tears fall down my face. I hear Bruce and them talking but I don't know what they're saying.

"Wanda!!" I hear Nat yell as she grabs my arm. "We have to go and give Bruce space to check out Y/n"

"But.. no I don't want to leave them." I turn to Nat as she starts pulling me away.

"I'm sorry but we have to Wanda.. come on" She pulls once more, this time I don't pull back and follow her out. Once the door closes I fall down to my knees crying into my hands. "Wanda.." Nat gets down next to me and pulls me into her as Peter and Steve walk out.

"Wanda" I look up and watch Peter get down in front of me as tears fall down his face. "I'm sorry, I tried! I tried to grab them before the floor collapsed... I wasn't fast enough.." Peter cries as Steve bumps him sighing.

"I told you to stop that kid, it's not your fault." He looks at me sadly as I stare up at him fresh tears falling down my cheeks. "They completed their mission..."

"At what cost?" I cry as Nat hugs my tighter. "I'm glad they completed it but... but now..."

"I'm sorry Wanda.. we should've intervened but.. we didn't think they'd try blowing them up.." Steve squats down by Peter in front of us.

"I want them to be ok... I need them to be ok.." I cry as it feels like my powers are gonna burst out of me.

"Hey hey they're gonna be ok. Let's do something to get your mind off it ok?" Nat grabs my shoulder smiling as she scans my face.

"Like what?..." I ask as she thinks for a moment.

Normal POV:

"Where am I?" You look around the empty space you're in confused. "Hello? Is anyone else here??" You trying walking around but you get nowhere. Suddenly you feel an extreme amount of sadness. "Whoa what's happening? Is that... Wanda?? Wait why is Wanda sad!? I have to get out of here!" You start shooting lighting into nothingness. "LET ME OUT!!! WANDA!!!!"

Bruce's POV:

As I examine Y/n the machine I've hooked them up begins going crazy. "What's happening??" Lighting starts forming around their hands going up their arms. "Shit!" I run to the door swinging it open in a panic, "Steve! I need your help!"

"What's going on!?" Wanda says as her and Nat stand up.

"What's happening?" Steve asks as I grab him by the arm.

"No time just get in here!" I pull him back into the room.

Wanda's POV:

As Bruce and Steve go back into the room I hear a machine freaking out and catch a glimpse of Y/n. I see their arms being engulfed in lighting bolts. "I need to see what's happening!"

"No no we need to let them do what they need to for Y/n. Let's go make something to eat ok?" Nat grabs my arm stopping me from going into the room.


"Wanda come on.. we have to let Bruce work. He'll help them.." Nat grabs my hand and smiles, "Everything will be ok.. you too Parker let's go" Nat reaches down with her other hand grabbing onto Peters hand pulling him up. "Come you two" She pulls us away into the kitchen, "Jeez I feel like a mom dragging her two kids." Me and Peter look at each other and laugh a little. "Glad you two Knuckleheads thought that was funny."

"Entertain us then 'mom'" I tease walking over and sitting down at the bar with Peter.

"How about you two help me cook instead?" She suggests.

"Wow you really do sound like a mom now" Peter chuckles as Nat groans.

"Wanda's the one that's gonna be a mom" Nat states smiling and turns around as I realize. I have to tell Ben...

"Oh god.." I put my head in my hands as Nat start to say something but stops. I look up to see Steve walking into the kitchen sadly. "Steve!"

"Bruce was able to stabilize them.. but uh... they're in a coma.. we don't know when or.. if they'll wake up.." Steve gulps and looks down at the floor as I feel my heart drop.

"Th-They're in a coma?... they can't be!"

"I'm sorry Wanda.. now all we can do is hope and pray they'll wake up." Steve looks up at me, tears begin falling down my cheeks.

"Oh god how am I gonna tell Benji! He's gonna be heartbroken... how do I even tell him?" I put my hands on my face sobbing as I feel someone hug me. I look over to see Peter with fresh tears coming down his cheeks. "Peter.."

"We can tell him together.. I feel like I should tell him too... we just have to say that they're just like you were but they'll wake up. Just like you did." Peter smiles as tears keep falling from his eyes.

"That's a good idea Peter, thank you" I turn around and hug him back hearing a sob escape his lips. "Let's go find Benji, then after we tell him we can go see Y/n"


"Uh I guess I'll cook by myself then" Nat groans.

"Sorry Nat.." I chuckle nervously as she shakes her head.

"No it's fine I'm just messing with you."

"It's ok I'll help her you two go" Steve smiles and walks over to Nat.

"Ok, if you need any help I can come back"

"It's fine just go" Nat shoos us away making me laugh a little. We make our way upstairs to find where Benji is.

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