Chapter One

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The eastern suburbs of Perth are not at all like the western. We who belong here are not beach babes we bathe in sweat not salty bliss. We hardly wear shirts but we have no tanning session. We adore braiding each other's hair but we don't do it for the image. Skipping is a love of our, but only at dangerously fast pace. And boy do we all love to dance.

School isn't a place to learn. It's an arena. There's no play ground, only a cage. Everyone who 'learns' here fights here. May not fight well but still fight. Even teachers parade bruises and gashes. Never seen one of them fight but we know they do. It's not king and queen, it's king or queen. Currently it's queen. Currently queen is me.

I don't choose to fight people, I let them choose to fight me. Eventually everyone fights me. From the small year 8 asian girls who can't afford anywhere else to go, to the year 12 6ft black males. Everyone who goes to Codstrine high is trash. White trash, black trash, asian trash, gay trash, straight trash, A trash, male trash, female trash. Don't matter you're still trash.

We live in the slum. No two story houses, no clean paint, no green grass. We haven't got huge fancy brands or 5 star restaurants. We've got target and subway. The ground is pavement and dirt. Hot water doesn't last. We're the laughing stock of the city, yet no one comes to visit the show. No one new ever drive through our graffitied welcome sign. No one comes here by choice. Except for Tyson.

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