Chapter 4

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I stroll out of form, hands in pockets. That was awkward as hell, I really need to make friends fast. I should probably find Kate first. I don't want to annoy her but she's the only friend I have so far and she would probably introduce me to people. I can't sit in silence anymore, especially not without a phone. That girl staring at me was fucking awkward. I could feel her judging me. I couldn't see her eyes but I had a feeling they were mean. It is bad manners to stare right?

I hadn't even made it through a corridor when someone tugs my sleeve and pulls me into their group. Unfortunately it's not Kate, it's a man. His long, black, thick dreadlocks swing as I do. He's tall and strong built and I hate to say it but intimidating.

"You're Tyson," his deep voice reminds me.
"Uh yeh that's me," I almost laugh out of nerves.
"I'm André, these are my friends, we're known as the alpha males," he explains. I raise an eyebrow. "Every clique has a name depending on your fight. We're the best male fighters at this school," he smiles.
"Well it's nice to meet you," I smile back politely.
"Who are you going to fight today," he says dead seriously.
"Today?" I cough.
"Better to find your rank sooner than later. You're rock bottom at the moment," he pauses "-You see it's a hierarchy, if you're on the bottom you're shit, you're trash. If you're on top, well you're the reigns of this school."
"Who do I have to fight to be on top?" I smirk. This was definitely a way to make a name.
"Andy Hannah," another guy says. André grins. I assumed it'd be André.
"Well, where do I find him?" May as well get this over with.
"Where do I find her," he smirks.
"Her, Andy?" I scoff.
"Andy is a girls and a guys name," Kate says as she zooms past the group. I turn around to follow her but she's already too far gone.
"I don't fight girls," I explain. I grew up knowing that. Hurting girls is wrong, it's disrespectful and just a dickhead thing to do.
"You fight Andy," a man with blonde dreadlocks says. What's with dreadlocks here. The look in this mans eyes is not friendly. I silently hope I'll never have to fight him. Kate's words about normalcy at this school sweep through my mind. Perhaps I'll just go easy on this girl. Knock her out fast so she won't endure much pain.
"Bring me to her," I laugh and they join me. Pushing me down a corridor.

More kids join in the walk as they realise what's happening. It feels like a 60s movie scene. I'm nervous, I'm nervous as fuck. What if I do the wrong thing and I'm known as a dick. What if I accidentally touch her boobs. What if my hand gets caught in her hair. What if I take it too far. What happens if a teacher doesn't approve. What if she's actually a heavy weight. What happens if I lose. I'll be a laughing stock, losing to a girl.

My destination is some cement stairs. Eight girls stand, Kate being amongst them. She looks slightly worried. I don't want to hurt her friend like that fuckhead Dan hurt her. On the top of the stairs sits who I assume my opponent is. She raises her head. The girl from form. No fucking way.

She stands and peels off her jumper leaving her just in a sports bra. My eyes start at her feet and slowly rake up. Worn out Nikes hug her small feet. Grey sweatpants hide her long legs and are pulled together with a string around her waist. Her stomach is toned and slim giving off an underfed but well worked look. Her chest is flattened by her bra. Her arms are surprisingly ripped. Not manly ripped, but you can tell she's been lifting something. It was her face though, that made my jaw fall to the floor. The most exquisite thing I'd ever seen. Massive eyes, huge engulfing dainty blue eyes. Skin splattered with freckles and brows normal, much too my relief. Not over done, not hardly visible. Cheeks red from the cold sitting on a high prominent bone. And then this breath taking, long, white, blonde, shiny hair. The natural kind, not the cheap bleached stuff. Waves wonder through. The type of locks you want to run between two fingers and hold to your lips on late Sunday morning.

She is a masterpiece and I'm about to destroy it.

I've noticed that everyone has started to form a circle around me. Andy steps into and holds out her green taped hand. I take it in my own and squeeze gently.

"Andy," her dead voice speaks.
"Tyson," I reply. My fuccboi instinct kicks in and I add "nice to meet you" with a grin. Then she surprises me, she grins back.

I know this grin will haunt me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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