Chapter 2 - Minefields

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A/N: Please don't judge the medicine in this story. I did a bulk of research for the Starlight Child and since most of the medicine in this isn't as plot relevant as that was, I won't be going into much detail since my medical knowledge is at the same level of a sweet potato's. TIA : ))


"I have a surgery this morning, and then I've got to go into the practise and see some patients as well as a consult at the hospital in the afternoon, but when I get back, we could talk some more." Addison rambled as she packed her handbag to go into work. "Help yourself to anything in the house, the beach is right out the back door. There's a spare key under the mat in case you leave. If you need anything Sam lives next door, I'm sure he could help you out with anything you need." She continued to ramble, scribbling on the back of an envelope. "Here's my number as well as my direct line at the practice. If you need anything call me, okay?" She smiled.

"We'll be fine. Thank you for this, you didn't have to." She smiled, taking the envelope and beginning to type the numbers into her phone.

"I guess I'll see you later?" Addison smiled nervously at the door.

"I'll see you after work." Meredith smiled.

It was disconcerting to the redhead how small Meredith's smile was now. She supposed it was to be expected. Shaking herself from her thoughts she exited the house. Meredith would be fine. The house wouldn't burn down in her absence. She wasn't nervous about the kids or Meredith being in her house – but rather leaving them alone when they had barely had any time together.

Meredith had clearly left Seattle on a whim and coming to L.A. wasn't planned either. How long was she planning on staying? How long until she left again, in a whirlwind the same as she came? She wasn't ready to leave Meredith on her own in an unfamiliar territory when she was grieving a loss as big as Derek's. But she had work to do, a baby to deliver at the hospital and she couldn't just take time off to talk to Meredith. As much as she wanted to there would be time for that after work.

Addison arrived at the hospital, performing a C-section on a mother with twin boys. It was over and done with quickly, and both babies were fine – one had some trouble breathing in the beginning, but he was strong and pulled through. She made sure the resident on her case was closely monitoring the mother and the babies and knew to call her if any trouble came up.

She quickly made the journey from St. Ambrose to Oceanside Wellness, still thinking about Meredith's abrupt arrival as she rode the elevator. She quickly grabbed her messages and headed to her office to review her appointments for the day. She knew she was probably arousing suspicion, but she had enough on her plate already with workplace drama. She wanted to simply focus on her work. When she was done for the day was when she could focus on Meredith.

Except Addison had never been any good at separating her thoughts. Meredith plagued her mind all day. How was she doing? What were the kids up to? Did she have enough food in the house for them, or did they have to go out shopping? Did the kids have any spare clothes packed, or would they have to get them more? No matter how hard she tried, her thoughts kept spinning around in her head and she couldn't quite hold them back. She didn't let them affect her work with her patients, but in the quiet moments, the in-betweens, she found herself struggling to focus on what was in front of her. It seemed that every time she had a break, her mind kept wandering back to Meredith on its own.

She supposed she should be grateful that she hadn't received any panicked phone calls from Meredith or her neighbours. That at least had to be a good sign. She was up before the kids were, and Meredith was already downstairs by the time Addison was ready to go out the door for work. She suspected that the blonde hadn't slept well, if at all. She shook her head, trying to bring her head back to the lab results in front of her. She couldn't let this happen at work. Meredith would be fine. Zola and Bailey would be fine. She had to focus. She couldn't let her standard of care drop because of her wandering mind.

A sharp knock on the door of her office interrupted her meanderings.

"Addison?" It was Sheldon, standing hesitantly in the doorway, his crooked smile in place.

Addison shut her laptop softly, leaning back in her chair as she welcomed the psychiatrist into her office. "What is it, Sheldon?"

"I think that's a question I should be asking you, Addison." The kind man sighed. "You've been awfully quiet today; we haven't seen you. Is something on your mind?" He edged, taking one of the seats in front of her desk.

Addison sat back, contemplating the man before her and whether she could trust him – Meredith clearly didn't want anyone to know that she was here In L.A., and though Meredith and Sheldon surely didn't know each other, Addison had been trusted with the information. It was eating away at her inside. She stood, closing the door to her office, clicking the lock shut and drawing the blinds. Sheldon quirked a brow at the action but chose not to speak, only turning in his chair to regard the surgeon.

Addison dropped into the seat beside him, hands clasped as she leaned in. He would probably end up charging her for his time like the last time she confided in him, but this time it would be worth it. He would be duty-bound not to say anything to anyone else in the office.

"What I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat it to anyone. Ever. Promise me." She urged.

Though the man looked slightly bewildered at the request, he nodded. "Of course. This conversation is strictly confidential."

"Okay." Addison breathed. "You heard about Amelia's brother, my ex-husband, Derek?"

Sheldon nodded.

"Well..." Addison stood, beginning to pace as she tried to explain the details. "His wife, Meredith. She showed up on my doorstep last night. With her two kids. Apparently, she left Seattle two months ago – she went to San Diego and ended up in L.A. I don't think anyone there knows that she's out here – or even with me for that matter. But she is. And I told her she can stay with me as long as she needs, of course she can. I meant it. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What does she need me for? When I go home tonight am, I just supposed to pretend that things are normal? That Derek's just... on vacation and wasn't hit by a car?"

"This woman." Sheldon started, trying to find the words "She seems stable to you? She's not manic, experiencing great highs and deep lows?"

"Yes!" Addison stopped her pacing, frustrated that Sheldon didn't seem to quite get it.

"You both were married to this man. At one point, you thought you would be with him for the rest of your life. In some way, you know what it feels like. You know even just a fraction of what she's experiencing." He explained calmly.

"What am I supposed to do?" Addison asked, exasperated as she sat back down.

"Loss like that takes time. She's going to need to learn what it's like to live in a world without her husband. When she's ready she's going to need counselling. Don't push her, just let her know that the option is there when she wants it. If you really are willing to help her through this then you need to be committed. If you bail on her part way through it will destroy any progress she's made. Don't avoid it all together, but it's very recent. Try not to push her into talking about it before she's ready." He advised, standing to leave.

"What am I supposed to do right now?" Addison pleaded.

Sheldon turned back to regard the desperate woman before him. "Be there for her, don't try to push her into anything she isn't ready for. It sounds to me like this woman just needs you to be her friend." He smiled.

"Thank you, Sheldon."

"Anytime." He smiled and left; the door slicking shut behind him.

Addison sat back, knowing that she would have to leave for her hospital consult soon. It couldn't be too difficult, right? She just had to try.

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