Icy Acquaintance

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  "What-... what is this powerful, negative emotion? Agh! It's... overpowering. ... Apologies, Dissonant, but I believe I've found a more worthy use of my precious akuma. I'm removing your powers!"

  "Aggggghhhhhhh!" As soon as I felt my muscles tighten, Adrien grabbed me and pulled me down on the floor with him. I cried out when my bad arm hit the ground, but Adrien kept pulling me away from Luka.

  Worried, despite everything, I looked back, wanting to help him in some way. Hawk Moth had been able to take advantage of him due to what happened between us. If there was anything I could do...

  Adrien stopped pulling me, and we both sat there, dumbfounded as Luka's akumatization disappeared, leaving him standing in a hospital gown instead. He collapsed and, seeing no harm, I rushed to him, ignoring the pain in my arm.

  "Luka! What happened?" I cried, anxiety running through my body like electric wires without the rubber protection. I lifted his head up and laid it on my lap, studying it. Sweat covered his face, and I pressed my hand to his forehead, knowing it was cold. He groaned slightly and turned slightly, making me gasp.

  "Mar-Marinette... get... get away from him." Adrien's voice startled me, and I turned back to look at him. What I saw had me shoot to my feet and race to his side in a flash. 

  "Fight it, Adrien!" I shouted, taking his face in my hands. He was covering his ears as if trying to block out that horrible voice attempting to corrupt him. "Don't trust him! Whatever he's promising you, it's not worth it!"

  I didn't know why, but Adrien's hands came away from his ears and gripped my wrists so tightly, I felt like he was cutting off my blood circulation. A small whimper escaped my lips, but he didn't let go, just stared into my eyes.

  "Don't ever say that you aren't worth it." I gasped as he went back to holding his ears. He stumbled back a few steps, but I was too shocked by his words. 


  "Marinette..." I glanced back at Luka, taking a step away from where he laid on the floor, reaching out for me. "Marinette, please... no one else can make you as happy as I can. He didn't even know you liked him for so long. How can you love someone like that?" 

  Luka's voice was so pitiful, maybe because, in this state, he didn't remember why I loved Adrien as much as I did. I took a step towards him, ready to remind him, but a sound from behind me and a hand clamping firmly around my wrist stopped me. 

  "Give me my ring, please, Marinette. Hawk Moth has a use for it." I whirled on Adrien, causing him to let go of my wrist. I stared at him in shock, not wanting to register what his words meant. But there was no way I could ignore it. 

  The blonde hair, the gorgeous green eyes, not to mention the memories of how he always acted just like Chat Noir did when he was being a gentleman. If I really thought about it, they were so similar in so many ways, I just hadn't seen it because I had been blinded by Adrien's seeming perfection.

  "Chat-... no, Adrien. Please don't do this! Don't give him what he wants! It will only end badly for everyone!" I tried persuading him, but his eyes... they looked so much like that time. I shook my head, not ever wanting to see that again. "Adrien, please."

  "The ring, Marinette. I won't hurt you." He vowed firmly, and he looked at Luka when he said it. Luka, in turn, growled and fought his way to his feet, leaning against the post to my bed. He looked absolutely furious.

  "Marinette wouldn't have had to go through seeing you like this if she had just let me take away her pain." 

  "By killing her." Adrien seethed, his eyes flickering between green and icy blue. I felt my heart speed up, and not in a good way, obviously. I watched Adrien take a step towards Luka, and Luka stood taller.

  I stepped in between them, but that was a poor choice. Luka reached out for me, and Adrien did the same a split second later. They both grabbed hold of my arms, and because of poor positioning Adrien got my bad side.

  I cried out in pain, clutching my arm, and Luka laughed while Adrien released me quickly. 

  "So much for 'not hurting her'" Luka said, using air quotes before pulling me closer to him. Adrien let out a sound that turned into a growl as his clothes changed from his everyday outfit to a white cat suit.

  I fell back onto the floor as Chat Blanc tackled Luka to the ground, holding his shirt as he growled maliciously at him. Chat Blanc's head twitched as if a fly was buzzing around his ear, and he held his ears again.

  "Forget it, Hawk Moth." The chilling tone of his voice cut into me like a bitter wind in winter, stabbing my heart. "Take away my powers then, if you must. After I'm done killing him, I'm coming after you anyway."

  I caught sight of Chat Blanc's face and shivered when I saw the smile on it. Using my good arm, I crawled to the door and opened it as quietly as I could, not wanting to alert them. However, I should have thought better with the cat hearing Chat Blanc possessed.

  "Where are you going with my ring, Princess?" He asked, peering at me while still holding Luka down. His tail flicked around, indicating his agitation. I inched myself closer to the door, and he whipped his head in its direction, then smiled.

  "I'll go get help." I whispered, knowing he could hear me. He shook his head, turned back to punch Luke in the face and knocked him out. I suspected he got to his feet after that or expected to find me still there when he was done, but I slammed the door behind me as fast as I could, knowing that would barely slow him down.

  "Marinette!" I heard him shout from inside my room. "Come back here, Princess! I promise I won't hurt you!"

  I'm more worried about you, I thought. I ran downstairs as I heard the door crash to the floor in the living room. I ran out the back door, not wanting my parents to be bothered. Racing down the street made me recall how I was supposed to be at home resting because of my injury.

  The adrenaline had been distracting me but running had reopened the wound and blood was seeping into the cast.  I was panting, my usual fitness routine of running to school because I was late disrupted by Adrien offering to drive me.

  I have to get as far away as possible. I can't let him hurt anyone, even Luka. I kept running until I could no longer. Gasping for air, I made my way into a nearby alleyway and pressed my back against the wall, sliding painfully to the ground.

  I took a second to survey the damage I caused, to myself and to the two boys I loved the most in the world. My arm was cut and bleeding again, my back was aching from being pushed and rubbed against a brick wall, and my legs were on fire from running until I ran out of breath.

  Not only that, Luka and Adrien had both gotten akumatized because of me and I had no idea what happened to them after I left my house. I hadn't heard any sounds of pursuit, and I didn't know how far behind Chat Blanc was. 

  But that aside, was Luka still in my room? Had my parents found him? Were my parents alright? I didn't think Chat Blanc would hurt them, but did I really know what he was capable of? I had walked in late the last time to find all that destruction, and only had suspicions of what had occurred. 

  I took some time to get all my thoughts sorted through before peeking out of the alleyway for any signs of Chat Blanc. It seemed pretty quiet, so I stepped out. I was careful not to expose myself though and found some old clothes in a box on the road, putting them on.

  They couldn't smell any more different, that was for sure.

  I was now the great... Marcus! Okay, so I borrowed my cousin's name a tiny biiittt, but! It's for a good cause!

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