Prelude of Conflict

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"Ugh.. that was some good night sleep I got there.." I groaned as sunlight was flooded the room.

Just as I want to stretch my arms, I noticed that the blanket was somehow covering my body even though I already used it to cover Serena on previous night. Second, I can feel something warm and soft weight was pressing my body. I turned my head to the side, only to found Serena's head nestled on my shoulder, her face inches away from me as she still sleep with a peaceful expression on her face. What's more concerning was that her arms was embraced me, one wrong move and our position was get little more compliated than it already has. Luckily, Serena woke up at that moment while letting out a cute yawn.

"Oh, Good Morning, Mizael.." Serena mumbled as she stared at me. "Did you sleep well last night ?"

"Yes. And can you please move away from me at once ? I'm getting little uncomfortable here." I replied as she finally got up, followed by me.

"Ok, do you really have so little self-awareness as a girl ? What possessed you to snuggle up to me in such an intimate manner ? If it had been anyone else other than me, things could have ended up pretty bad, you know ?"

"I really don't understand your reactions at times." Serena appeared to be perfectly calm and composed as she addressed me in an even tone. "By sharing the blanket and being in close contact with one another, it was easier to preserve body heat and make sure we didn't catch a cold last night. I would think that is obvious, no ?"

"I'm not really equipped to deal with such simple-minded attitude.." I sighed while rubbing my temples. "In any case, since we're both up, let's get a move on. Time is precious after all."

"And where exactly are we supposed to go ?" Serena asked with a curious look as the we are stepped outside. "I thought you had no clue regarding the Resistance's whereabouts. Plus, if we move around too much, it will be much easier for Academia's patrols to spot us."

"True. But I think I got some ideas." I answered. "They are most likely hiding in the some outskirts of Heartland. By using the terrain, they can both conceal themselves there and obtain food and water from the forest."

"I suppose that makes sense." Serena said. "It's a place to start at least."

And with that, we began slowly moving towards Heartland's outskirts as quietly as possible, taking great care not to be seen by any passersby. After moving in such a manner for about half an hour, I lifted my hand, gesturing at Serena to stop.

"What's the matter?" Serena whispered in a barely audible tone. "Is it Academia?"

"Someone's coming." I responded with a tense expression on my face. "Keep as quiet as possible and don't move until I say so. Although I can't tell whether it's a friend or foe.. it's more likely the latter in this place."

Following that exchange, I carefully peeked at the road while hiding behind a pile of rubble. After a few seconds, a bespectacled young girl with short light-purple and lilac hair appeared before his eyes. I obviously know who she was, and I can say that I was lucky to found her instead of Allen.

"Finally, a bit of luck." I thought. "If we can persuade her were on her side, she might guide us to the Resistance's headquarters."

"Hey, the girl over there. We want to talk to you." I called out to the unknown girl as I stepped out of my hiding place, I raised my hands on the air to indicate that he didn't wish to fight. The girl was startled, but didn't make a run from us fortunately. However, once she look at Serena and then me, her eyes widened as she put her hand on her mouth.

"It can't be.." She muttered. "Ruri..? How can you be here ? Are you escape from Academia's hands ? Regardless.. I'm so glad to see you again!"

Before Serena and I could say something, the girl embraced Serena so hard that the indigo-haired girl grunted in pain.

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