Battle Royale Part 2: Galaxy vs Venom

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Fusion Dimension - Professor's Throne Room

Professor gazed at Yuri with dissapointed face. "Why didn't you capture Hiiragi Yuzu?"

"Professor..." Yuri began speaking, unable find a logical reason why his 'prey' was able to sent him back to Fusion Dimension with her bracelet. To say that her bracelet was sent him back to Academia was just foolish and he was sure that Professor wouldn't believe him. But he didn't has any other logical choice, so he decided to tell that story to him. "I was hunting Hiiragi Yuzu as you requested, but when I was came close to her, her bracelet suddenly shined brightly and then I was sent back to Academia."

"Bracelet?" Professor thought. "Did Ray considering him as a threat so that she teleported him away?"

"You think I would believe such a foolish statement like that?" He asked.

"I know you wouldn't Professor." Yuri bowed as a sign of regret that he couldn't finish one of his missions. "But I know what I saw."

After a few moment thinking, Professor spoke up in cold tone. "I'll let it be next time, but a further failure will not be tolerated."

"I understand..." He replied.

"For now, we'll wait for Obelisk Force to report. If they didn't manage to beat Kuroba Mizael, you will be teleported back to Standard to carry on your second mission." At that moment, without any warning, the last Obelisk Force that Mizael beat before he passed out barged into Throne Room, he was visibly injured.

"Professor!" He had terrifed expression on his face.

"To think he had a nerve to barge in here like that." Yuri said with devious smirk, make the Obelisk back away in fear. "Should I punish him for his lack of respect, Professor?"

"No!" Professor quickly responded with serious expression. "Let him explain."

"Kuroba a Monster!" He exclaimed as Yuri and Professor raised their eyebrows. "He destroyed all Obelisk Forces you sent to him with ease."

"Oh, interesting..." Yuri had a pleased smile on his face, waiting to face Mizael on his own.

"46 Obelisk Force that face him was beaten to pulp."

"46?!" Professor couldn't hide his surprise.

"Interesting, interesting indeed." Yuri thought.

"The first three Obelisk Force that was face him said..." He took a long deep breath before continuing. "Said that they saw two Dragons roaring at them even before he took the first turn."

"Two Dragons?" He was baffled.

"Yes, he's famous amongst Duelists in Standard. He called the Galaxy Master in there." He added, ignoring Yuri's behaviour.

"Galaxy Master..." Yuri muttered.

After a few seconds of silence he spoke. "You're dismissed."

He nodded and quickly left the Throne Room, leaving Professor and Yuri alone.

"You know what to do." He addresed the cabbage haired boy. "Go to Standard and eliminate him with any means nessersary."

"Finally!" Yuri bowed. "I understand, consider it done!" Yuri left the room to prepare his departure to Standard for his Duel againts the Galaxy Duelist.

"Galaxy Master.." Professor thought. "Whatever he called is, I won't let another Zarc destroying my world, never again.."

Standard Dimension - LDS Medic Center

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