Prehistory in the Making

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It first starts off with a giant meteor crashing into earth then a boy falling out of his bed

Boy: Grr huh how that happen? I guess I fell asleep

The boy then looks at the book on his bed and reads

Boy: Then a giant meteor crashed into earth causing all dinosaurs to go extinct

After reading that he saw something shine outside his window

Boy: Huh what's that? Maybe it's a meteor!

The boy fell off his bed again and ran to his balcony only to see the object crash and he ran to get his two friends

Boy: Hey Rex, Dakota wake up you aren't gonna believe it

Rex: Huh what's going on

Before the boy could answer a pillow from the top bunk gets thrown at his face as another boy sat up

Dakota: What is it this time max I was trying to sleep

The boy named max throws the back on the top bunk when Dakota catches it

Max: You gotta get up I think I just saw a meteor

Rex: A what?

Dakota: Say again?

Max: I have to go call Zoe she'll flip out come on get dressed

Rex: This better be good

Dakota: Oh for Max's sake it better be more than good

It then shows a bright morning and shows four kids

Zoe: *yawn* You know I'm not a morning person

Dakota: Same here *yawn*

Max: Come on you know what this stands for

Max then showed a little capital letter D with claws at the end

Max: D-team that's what you guys to an oath and the D-teams all about adventure right

Rex: Yeah unless that adventure starts before breakfast

Dakota: Yeah and your mom is supposed to be making chocolate chip waffles

Max: You'll change your mind when we find that meteor

Rex: Well I hope we find it soon cause I'm hungry

Dakota: Yeah I'm starving

Zoe: I'm sorta hungry too max and it feels like we've been walking a long time and we really haven't seen any- huh

It then shows a bunch of trees knocked down

Dakota: What is it Zo- woah

Zoe: Look at that

Rex: That's weird what do you think happened to all thought trees

It then shows a specific tree with a hole in it

Max: Look at that one this must be where the asteroid hit

Max then turned on his hat (I forget what they're called) which caused the horns on it to glow

Zoe: Be careful Max it could be dangerous

Max: And exploring dangerous stuff like this is what the D-teams all about right D for danger

Dinosaur King x Male Oc (Oc x Zoe)Where stories live. Discover now