Chapter 2

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Dolores Umbridge was currently giving her speech. It was the beginning of Harry Potter's 5th year and he had already tuned out the toad-like woman at the front of the room. In fact most of the other students had tuned her out too, but everything changed when 6 kids appeared in the middle of the room, on the floor in a large pile.
"James!" A young girl with red, bushy hair screamed as she sat up.
A boy who appeared to be the oldest untangled himself from the others and said, "Oops."
"Oops? Oops?! That is all you have to say?!" The bushy haired girl yelled.
She would have continued but she was interrupted by the small sound of Umbridge's cough.
The children, having all freed themselves and stood up, gave a brief scream of terror. They cowered behind each other, pushing the still angry red-head in front.
"Dad's stories are true!" A boy who looked almost identical to Harry Potter said quietly but with a terror-filled voice.
Umbridge, ignoring his remark, proceeded to ask, "Who are you?"
"Um..." Was the brilliant reply of the oldest boy.
"Family-and-one-random-friend-meeting!" A girl who looked younger than the previous called, disregarding the slightly offended look she received from a blonde boy.
The children huddled together; the students nearest them straining to hear anything. The teachers, who hadn't already done so, inconspicuously drew their wands.
"Can you hear anything?" Harry whispered as quietly as possible to Hermione.
"No, dangit." She whispered back.
At that moment, the kids in the middle of the room broke their huddle.
"We have decided to tell you the truth because we kind of need your assistance." The eldest boy blurted out; to which he received a punch in the arm and a face-palm.
"Alright," the Harry Potter clone began, " we are from the future.
The room went silent only to be broken by a quiet "hmm" from Dumbledore.
"Dumbledore, what do you think?" Asked McGonagall.
"I think that they should elaborate."
Upon hearing him say this the youngest boy held up 3 fingers and slowly brought each down, and when he lowered the last one, the others all started speaking at once.
They all realized what happened and went silent. They then went on to have a silent conversation (cue finger pointing and eye contact). They came to the conclusion that the bushy haired girl would speak.
"Ok, so in the future, we were all just sitting around when somebody," with this she threw a glare at the Harry Potter clone as he held up his hands in surrender, "had the amazing idea to go through my parents stuff. Well as we did so this one," she pointed to the youngest boy, "found our mom's old time-turner. Then this idiot," she look toward the oldest boy who now possessed an offended look, "decided to try to grab it, causing it to break, sending us here." She finished.
She paused and let this sink in.
"Oh," Dumbledore started, "that makes sense."
"Well, you never actually truly answered my question; who are you?" Umbridge spoke up.
"Damn, we suck today! We can't even manage to answer a simple question." The blonde boy said.
"It's kind of hard to suck when we don't even exist yet!" The bushy-haired girl said.
"Anyway, James you start the introductions!" The youngest girl said.
"Why me?!"
" You're the oldest! Duh!"
James frowned but said anyway, "James Sirius Potter at your service!" He did a little bow.
Everyone gasped.
Harry stood up and said, "Potter?!"
"Yep, next!
"I'll go," Said the boy who looked similar to Harry, "Albus Severus Potter."
Harry's mouth dropped as everyone gasped again
"Me next I guess. Lily Luna Potter." The youngest girl smirked.
If it was possible Harry's mouth would have dropped even more.
" Wow." Ron said randomly.
"I'm next. Rose Nymphadora Weasley." Said the bushy-haired girl.
All the Weasleys stood up in shock.
"Now me. Hugo Arthur Weasley, here." Chirped the youngest boy.
" Well that just leaves me," Mumbled the blonde boy; then in a louder, clearer voice, "Scorpious Hyperion Malfoy."
Draco who had been sniggering at the Slytherin table now joined those standing in shock.
"Am I correct in guessing that you are related to those who are standing?" Queried Dumbledore.
"Yep!" Chimed in James, "In fact we are their children! Well in the Weasley case, only Uncle Ron and Mo-Ginny. The rest of our Weasleys didn't get stuck in this."
Rose kicked him in the shin saying, "You didn't have to include that!"
The boy hopped around on one foot repeating the word "ow" while the rest laughed at him.
"Back to situation at hand, we need to get back to the future." Rose mediated.
"Haha, 'Back to the Future'!" Albus laughed.
"Albus Severus! I will kill you with fire!" She exclaimed.
"Not today! Scorp! Get over here you little shit! I need to use you as a human shield!" Albus screamed.
"Oh hell no! I'm joining 'Team Rose' for this one!" Scorpious screamed back.
"I think he is always on 'Team Rose' if you know what I mean." Lily said with many implications.
Rose glared at her which made Lily back away.
"Hey wait, what girl would have kids with Ron?!" Asked the Weasley twins.
"Guys we have to obliviate them before we leave so it's ok to tell them!" James said.
" Rose and Hugo's mom is no one other than a Ms. Hermione Granger!" Lily explained for Rose was holding James' mouth shut.
Everyone gasped...except for Luna Lovegood.
"I knew it!" She called out.
"See this is why my namesakes are the best!" Lily said.
Her brothers glared as if they had had this argument before. Fred and George ignored this.
" So what lucky gal got with the chosen one?" They asked.
The 3 Potters glared at Hugo but it was Rose who spoke.
" Ginny Weasley."
All of said girl's brothers stood up and look murderously at Harry while Ginny simply blushed.
"Oh dear." Harry said with a fearful voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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