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121. The Conclusion of Wei Quan’s Case

“This is your destiny!” Tao Qi shrieked. “You’re all just characters in a book! Your fate is what it is! None of what you said is my doing anyway!”

“Yes,” YiHan agreed.

“Except for this car crash, you didn’t cause the rest of it. You merely craved for them to happen once more. When those events didn’t occur as you wished, you’d personally act and pushed us all back towards the path you said fate has paved for us. Isn’t it so? You think we’re just names in a book you’ve read. We’re not made of flesh and blood. We don’t have emotions. Yes?”

“Don’t act all accusatory,” Tao Qi rebuked in dissatisfaction. “I’ve not done anything wrong. I’ve told you. This is your fate!”

YiHan didn’t burst into rage at that, instead he laughed, “Fate? I’ve also told you; character is destiny. There’s nothing in this world that can’t be changed. Difference choices lead to different results. A tiny butterfly flapping its wings could start a hurricane. Tao Qi, aren’t you curious? How did I know of Wei Quan’s actions the moment he acted? How did I appear in time to stop him?”
His lips twisted into a smile and he softly said, “Don’t think of yourself as the master of the world. You’re not the only one who can predict the future. I’ve had my men keep an eye on that Wei Quan for a while now. The second he stepped out of that door, I was notified. How could he have succeeded? You want to be the female lead? Not while being so naive.”
Tao Qi’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets by now. “You’re also a transmigrator?” she asked, voice trembling. “No wonder everything’s wrong. It’s all because of you, isn’t it? You changed the story! You’re the one who’d been targeting me this whole time!”
YiHan’s white teeth flashed in a bizarre grin. “I’m not some transmigrator,” he mysteriously said. “I’m just a mean ghost that’s crawled out of the depths of hell.” He paused. “Tell me, why would I repeat the same dance? As for you, I didn’t even know of your existence before I saw you. Who’d have the time to plot and scheme against you? I’d let it go if you were willing to behave and use your own advantages to make yourself a millionaire. However, you’re so obsessed with killing me off. Do you think I’d obediently tie myself up and wait for death?”
Tao Qi looked at YiHan in shock. “You’re…the original Bai YiHan?” she spat out through quivering teeth. Her chest heaved as her breaths came out in harsh pants. “You died and were reborn?”
“That’s right,” YiHan’s eyes coldly bore into her eyes. They were filled to the brim with terror. “You react fast. Is it because you too had gone through the same inexplicable events? Did it make you extremely sensitive to such matters? What unfortunate coincidence. The tragedy you hoped would happen involves those I hold dear. Hence, we’re destined to be enemies to the bitter end. Tao Qi, in this world, we cannot co-exist.
If you want them to suffer, then I want you dead!”
The basement was freezing cold. The dim light shone down on Bai YiHan’s ghastly face. Tao Qi couldn’t help but think of the man’s death in the novel, those sentences describing his corpse, and then link those descriptions to the man standing before her. She felt as if she was really looking at a gruesome corpse, one standing right before her. Her face was already pale from the torment she’d been through in the past few days. The horror she felt now had turned it to an ashy grey. She let out a piercing shriek.
“Why do you want to hurt me?” she yelled, her voice hoarse.

“I’m not the one who killed you! Don’t hurt me! I didn’t kill you! This is a book’s world! I just want you all to follow the plot! I just want to be the female lead! Was I wrong? You changed the story on your whim! You’ll definitely be punished!”
She screamed.

She cried. Her body twisted in a futile attempt to curl up but because she’d been tied to the chair, she couldn’t move anything but her head. She rabidly struggled. She used up all the strength she could muster to stay away from Bai YiHan. When one was desperate with fear, that’s when they unleash their greatest potential.

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