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126. More and More Childish

JingYuan gently bit down on YiHan’s shoulder. His hips sank lower in a light thrust and a moan escaped YiHan’s lips.
“What are you doing? Get out,” YiHan demanded, tears shimmering in the corners of his bloodshot eyes.

The older man remained silent. He merely twitched his hips. YiHan could feel the change going on within him and scrambled to crawl away, but JingYuan locked his waist in with an arm around it.

“You big pervert!” YiHan mewled in dread. “Again? I don’t want to! I want to sleep!”

JingYuan slowly thrust further in as he coaxed, “There, there, HanHan. I just want to change the focus of your attention. I don’t want you to keep thinking about unhappy thoughts.”

YiHan moaned. He shook his head and stammered out between moans, “I don’t need…don’t need you to. I’m…I’m happy. I-I want to sleep!”
JingYuan’s hips moved faster. “Just a while,” he panted. “You’ll sleep much better…”

YiHan’s forehead fell to the pillow, his breath coming out in harsh pants as he moaned and begged, “No…slow down…”
“I can’t, HanHan…”

The next morning, YiHan laid in bed as he savoured his back massage. JingYuan obediently kneaded YiHan’s slim waist. Once in a while, his hands would dip lower down that slender body.
“Enough, you,” YiHan pouted, at his wit’s end with the distracted man. “Wasn’t last night enough? Massage my waist properly!”

“It wasn’t,” JingYuan replied with a serious face.
“You darned pervert!” YiHan glowered.
“Do you want me to have enough?” JingYuan leaned down.

YiHan choked. A blush overtook his face and he roared, “Focus on the massage!”
JingYuan chuckled and changed the topic, “In less than a month, it’ll be your grandfather’s birthday. You gave the go game set to old Mr Yan, so what do you plan on giving Grandfather?”
YiHan went quiet for a moment then said, “I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll go look around the shops tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Don’t you need to go to work? I’m just going to buy a present. You don’t need to follow me. I can go by myself.”
“No way.” JingYuan frowned. “It’s dangerous for you to be out alone.”

“So much time has passed already. That person can’t eye me up all the time. I can’t spend my entire life glued to your side whenever I leave the house, right?”
“It’s my fault,” JingYuan rumbled, his hands steadily kneaded YiHan’s waist, “for having yet to pull the mastermind out of the shadows. I’m why you’re restricted in all your outings.”
“What does it have to do with you?” YiHan giggled.
JingYuan pursed his lips and remained silent.
“Look,” said YiHan after a moment of contemplation. “Even if you go to work now, it’d be late. You can’t always push aside your work for me. How about this? I’ll call Fang Yi and ask if he has time to go shopping with me. You can stop worrying then, right? Fang Yi’s a good fighter.”

JingYuan didn’t seem particularly happy about it.
YiHan turned around and patted the older man on the hand. “You can’t always be by my side. The Mu Group needs you to oversee it. I promise I’ll do all I can to protect myself and not make you worry. Well?”
JingYuan didn’t say a word.

YiHan took his phone and called Fang Yi. The call was soon answered.
“Hey,” Fang Yi said. “YiHan?”
The young man held one of JingYuan’s hands close as he replied, “Hey, how’s my case going?”

“We’ve found some clues but we can’t confirm them yet,” the officer solemnly said. “Captain Chen said we can’t let anyone know for now.”
“Okay, I understand,” YiHan understandingly said. “I’m calling to ask if you’re free in the next few days.”
“I am. I’m off shift the day after tomorrow. Is there something you need?”
“Oh, my grandfather’s birthday is coming up soon. I want to find him a present but JingYuan’s too worried to let me go alone. I was wondering if you’re free to go with me so he can relax.”
“Sure. Day after tomorrow?”
“Okay. Let’s get in contact on that morning.”
“Alright. I’ll come to your home then.”
“It’s fine. I’ll have a driver pick you up. We’ll go together.”
YiHan then ended the call. He wiggled the phone in his hand at JingYuan as he gave the man a wink and said, “This’ll be fine, right? I’ll be going with Fang Yi the day after tomorrow.”
“Fine,” said JingYuan after a moment of hesitation. “Be careful.”
YiHan meekly nodded.
JingYuan blinked back at YiHan. He patted the young man on the butt as he said, “Aren’t you going to get up then?”
“The plan’s on the day after tomorrow. Why do I have to get up now?”
“Weren’t you telling me to go to work? Hurry up and get up then.”
YiHan slumped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. “You still want me to go with you? No. I don’t want to. I want to sleep.”

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