dramaaaaaa yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

11 2 11

ships: Semishira, yakulev, oikuro (hate on oikuro if you want me and zee make this ship fucking adorable)

this might be a harmful chapter if you all get called some of these things at home so I'm sorry in advance. 

Shirabu: My mama told me she lOvEd mE.

Caelan: Wish my mama would tell me that.

Shirabu: Oh shut up you depressing bitch, go cry about it.

Kuroo: -just sitting on a rock writing the entire periodic table down in an A3 notebook-

Cassie: I hope you never get a scholarship you sad excuse of Albert Einstein's Stunt Double.

Kuroo: I already got a chemistry scholarship to university

Cassie: Honestly didn't ask if you did.

Shirabu: Who asked?

Caelan: No one.

Kuroo: -he rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing-

Cassie: That's why you're the jolly green giant.

Caelan: -Casually kicks the book out of Kuroo's hands.-

Shirabu: You're a jerk.

Kuroo: -catches it-

Caelan: I know you are.

Cassie: Cry about it, Shira.

Shirabu: I hate life.

Caelan: Don't we all?

Cassie: Depressing, really.

Semi: I should've gone to Aoba johsai, Nekoma, fukurodani or date tech

Shirabu: Oh well./

Caelan: Tough luck bitch. Stop complaining

Shirabu: Leave him alone.

Levi: This is why we are all short or feel shorter next to Tetsu (kuroo) and ransom-


Tiana: TnT yep

Yaku: Only I get to make fun of him.

Caelan: Whatever. (salty much -_-)

Kuroo: only my siblings, kawa and yaku get to

Shirabu: God, what a crybaby. You gonna go cry about it?


Cassie: The fact that you even allow yourself to get made fun of proves you're nothing more than a pushover (bitch you got a caelan kink stfu)

Oikawa: ...Guys leave him alone. (sir I love you idgaf if my simp is showing)

Yaku: Yeah, ya'll actin like high school bullies, the fuck. (you sir a short king that we love)

Cassie: That's what we are dipshit, sorry that was too old for a middle schooler- I mean youngins like you.

Lev: The hell did you say about my Yaku~San!?

Kuroo: you've released the Russian beast within lev good luck (I also simp for this man)

Yaku: ... -_- Just cut it out, idiots. Leave the poor guy alone..

Caelan: Whatcha gonna do?

Shirabu: Don't underestimate short peo- wtf, are you mentally okay?-

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