Chapter - 4

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 An eerie calm had enveloped the island as the night grew longer, and the storms had abated. Down on the beach, the only sounds heard were the waves hitting the shore and the gentle breeze it brought with it. Daenerys was ready and waiting, just as she'd been asked. She had swept her hair back into a solitary braid down her back, knowing that the wind on the beach could change at any moment. She was dressed in the colors of house Targaryen, a black dress with a dark red overcoat to protect her from the chill. As always, she wore riding breeches and her boots beneath her dress. She had developed this habit when she was little more than a girl with the Dothraki, learning to always be ready to ride at a moment's notice. She stood next to Davos, thankful for the older man's company. He had come to her exactly as Jon had promised, with food and an attempt at light hearted small talk. She was trustful of him, but didn't know exactly what Jon had shared, and so had followed his lead of light conversation. His presence brought a soothing feeling to Dany, as they waited.

The lit torches flickered with the wind as Jon made his way slowly down the curve of the trail onto the sand. Grey Worm and Tyrion were on opposite sides of him, walking slightly behind. Daenerys studied the face of her Hand carefully, looking for any sign of surprise on his face. She saw none, figuring that he hid it well or that Jon had already spoken with him. She figured the latter, knowing that Jon and Tyrion shared some weird friendship of sorts. Behind them walked eight Unsullied, four flanked on either side of Varys. The Spider was shackled in chains, his face blank and lips pressed thin. If he was afraid, he did not betray any of the feeling.

Jon made it to stand next to Daenerys, his brows furrowed in determination. He never took joy in dispensing justice, treating it as just another responsibility of duty. While he had indeed found satisfaction by taking the life of those who took his, there was no pleasure in it. However, this felt different, and oddly more personal. Dark thoughts swirled in his head. He envisioned Dany dying slowly and painfully from the poison, blood pouring from her nose and mouth. He thought of his child growing in her womb, and how Varys would have extinguished that life before it even began. Would he have even known of his babe's existence if the Spider had been successful? He thought not, and that only flamed his anger further.

Tyrion hung back, watching as Jon and Grey Worm took their places next to their Queen. He felt a twinge of pity for Varys, knowing that he would have been dead without him. Daenerys' had warned him though what would happen if he betrayed her, and their Queen was one to keep her promises. The Spider stopped walking, seeing this as the last opportunity to clear the air with an old friend.

"I hope I deserved it. Truly, I do." Varys took a deep breath, his resolve starting to slowly falter. "I hope I'm wrong about her. Goodbye, old friend."

Jon cleared his voice, drawing the attention of those gathered to him. Tyrion looked up at him, a brief look of surprise crossing his face before it was gone as if it never existed, as he moved to take a place next to Davos. While he had been told about the arrest and suspected poisoning right before it happened, he thought it was all on the order of Daenerys. He thought back to how Varys believed that her strong will and personality would overpower the Northerner into submission. Oh how wrong he had been.

"Varys, you stand here guilty of treason. You have conspired against the Queen, and against her life." Jon's voice echoed through the night, his Northern accent more pronounced. "I, Aegon Targaryen, sixth of my name, do herby sentence you to die." He grabbed one of Daenerys' hand, squeezing it in his own as an attempt to signal to her that he was accepting of their family, of his true self.

"Dracarys." The word he had heard Daenerys utter to her sons before came easily from Jon's mouth, as Drogon stirred. Slowly the dragon emerged from the darkness, teeth bared towards the man who dared attempt harm to his mother. He opened his mouth, the fire building before spewing forth and burning the Spider into oblivion.

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