Chapter - 11

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   The labor had lasted through the rest of the night, past the morning, and into the mid-day hours. Daenerys was completely exhausted as she leaned back onto Jon. Her hair was slick with sweat, the smell of blood and bodily fluid was pungent in the air. No matter how many battles he had fought in the smell of blood was something he knew that he would never get used to. Especially not when it was the person he loved most. They had moved from the great bed onto the floor of their chambers, Dany having kicked the Maester out of the room hours before when he tried to make her stay abed. All that remained were the Dothraki handmaids and the old healer. He knew that it was not Westerosi culture for him to stay, but he would not leave her side. Even when the handmaid that spoke the common tongue had told him that it was known that men should not be at the birth, he resisted and stayed. So here they were, Dany squatting on the floor, him behind her to give her body support and to give her strength where he could.

"Khaleesi, yeri eth gwe zohhe ma hlizif (Queen, you must bear down and push)." The healer spoke encouragingly, her hands resting on the swollen belly of the Queen.

"De Athnithar vezhven. Anha laz't. (The pain is too great. I can't)" Daenerys gritted out between clenched teeth, the pain completely encompassing her body. She let out a scream as she pushed down with all the strength she had left, feeling as if her body were on fire.

"Davra, tih Khaleesi. Ven ki. Hlizif (Good, my Queen. Like that. Push)". The woman brought her hands down from her belly, ready to catch the child.

She pushed harder, finding strength she didn't know she had left. Just when she felt her whole body was tearing open, and that she couldn't go on, the healer grabbed her hands and brought them downwards. Between her legs, she felt the child beginning to slide from her body. Screaming out, she bared down harder one last time, pulling the babe in her hands as she worked with her body, as her feet gave out underneath her.

The wails of a newborn filled the chambers as Daenerys rested against Jon's body, their babe wiggling in her arms.

"A khalakki, tih Khaleesi." The older woman smiled a genuine smile, knowing that if the little Princess was half as fierce as the great Queen that led them then the Great Stallion had smiled upon them all.

Both of them were crying silent tears, as he looked down at his wife and their daughter. Looking at them both made him realize that everything that had led to this moment was worth it. All of the loss, all of the trauma, all of the wars. Seeing a child of his own blood, in the arms of the woman he loved more than life itself, ignited such a feeling in him that he had never felt before. The handmaids and healer bustled around them to get more water and clean cloth to clean up both mother and child, but they were completely lost together in their first few moments as a real family.

Dany marveled at the small baby in her arms, half wondering if she had truly gone mad and was delirious. She had accepted long ago that she would mother no children, other than her dragons. She had often dreamt of a daughter, but knew it would never come to pass. Yet here she was, her babe in her arms and her husband cradling them both. She cared not at the state she was in, nor that the babe was still covered in blood and fluid. She relished the moment, running her fingers over the small tufts of dark curls, gently humming to try and soothe the little girl. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to have been inside of her for so long, only now to go through all of that and be thrust out into the cold world. The healer came over as she saw that the Queen was attempting to calm the babe, knowing exactly what would be needed. She helped guide Daenerys arm's lower, and brought babe to latch on to her breast. The baby suckled happily, the wails turning into soft mewling.

"I love you. I love you both. So very much." Jon's words were barely above a whisper, not wanting to disturb the calm but unable to remain silent on his feelings any longer. His heart was positively bursting with happiness he never knew existed. Their daughter was here, was safe. Dany was safe. He always knew that she was strong, but seeing first-hand what she endured to bring their new life into the world only reaffirmed that belief.

"And we love you too." She didn't dare take her eyes of their daughter as she responded to his words, wanting to engrain every single moment of these seconds to her memories.

Jon held their daughter, all clean and swaddled, close to his chest as she slept. He had never really held a baby before, and had been worried beyond measure to hold her. But after some reassurances from both his wife and her handmaids so she could get cleaned up, he readily took her and felt his heart burst all over again. She was simply the most perfect thing he had ever seen in his life. She had what looked to be the color of his hair, little curls swirling already at the crown of her head. But when she had opened her amethyst eyes to them for the first time, it was no mistaking that she was her mother's daughter and the blood of Valyria ran in her veins.

A whine from Ghost drew his attention over to the bed, where the direwolf had taken up residence next to Daenerys after he'd been allowed back in the room. He watched as she brought her hand back up to his fur, scratching right behind his missing ear. He couldn't help but smile.

"I think someone is a little jealous that his sister is getting all of the attention" She laughed, still scratching behind his ear as he melted into her touch. At the words, Drogon's roar could be heard from outside the keep as he flew high into the sky.

"I don't think he is alone in that, my love." Jon walked back over the bed, carefully transition their daughter into her mother's waiting arms. While she was asleep and content for now, he knew she would soon wake and he would not be able to offer what she needed.

Daenerys took her happily, her face going soft with peace as she held their little girl. "We never did agree on a name for a girl." She thought back to their long conversations in the months leading up to their daughter's arrival. A name for a boy had come easy to them, but one for a girl was one they had struggled with.

"Visenya?" He suggested, thinking back to one of the first of the Targaryen Queens. It would be a strong name for the little girl destined to one-day rule over the Seven Kingdoms.

Dany shook her head at the idea, looking down at their babe and her sleeping face. She didn't look like a Visenya, and the name reminded her too much of Viserys. "No, I think that is too harsh for her."

Jon sat silent next to them for a while, many different names flowing through his head. Finally, he thought of the perfect one. "What about Rhaeyana. To honor both of her grandmothers, and to blend both of our houses together. Remind everyone exactly who she is." He knew how she felt about her own mother, and he had come to terms with the truth of his own.

She turned and looked at him, a smile on her face as she kissed him softly. "I love it. It honors our families, her legacy, but is a name that is all her own. Happy name day, Rhaeyana. Princess of Dragonstone".

In that moment, Jon knew that all of the pieces that had been so broken were slowly starting to fall back into the places they were meant to be. He didn't know what the future would hold for all of them, but he knew that he would be the best father, the best husband, and the best King that he could be. With Daenerys at his side as his Queen, his wife, and the mother of their child and for any children to come.

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