1 The delivery

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Nico woke to a girl shaking him, "Nico, Nico!" "Isabella if you don't stop shaking me this minute I will slip a balding potion into your drink." Needless to say, the shaking stopped. Niccolo Santi looked up through bleary eyes at Isabella.

 The young maid had taken several steps away, a look of mistrust on her pretty face (it was a well known fact that Isabella was extremely vain about her hair). Nico smiled an angelic smile, "why were you shaking me anyway?" "Oh" she seemed to relax. "The master has the potions ready, get dressed Ragazzino; you've got a delivery to make".

The morning was chilly and Nico shivered as he shed his blankets, he was on his way to the privy when he tripped over a basket. "Isabella must have left this" Nico muttered, he bent down to pick it up when a note dropped out, 


You're supposed to wear this for the delivery. I don't know why but I'm sure it will be funny.

Good luck,


Nico looked down in horror at the garments in the basket. Anything Isabella would find funny was bad news for him. 

He gingerly picked up one of the garments and groaned, Isabella had brought him the ceremonial messenger's uniform, complete with blindingly white hose, bright yellow tunic, a shirt with ridiculously large sleeves and a hat so ostentatious a newly enobled merchant wouldn't wear it. With a resigned sigh Nico dressed. 

The smell of the alchemy workroom washed over him as he stepped over the threshold, a strange mix of beeswax, herbs, and something musty and unnameable. At the end of one of the long tables sat dozens of vials. The vials were all different shapes and sizes, but it was obvious which ones were the love potions. Their dark magenta contents had an unmistakable hypnotizing quality. Nico blinked. How long had he been standing here? He grabbed the vials and shoved them into his satchel. After making sure they were secure he checked the tag on the basket they had been sitting in for the address he was to deliver them to:

581 Mirror way, Glass District.

Nico grimaced, this was not going to be a fun day.

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