Girls are weird

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581 Mirror way was a large manor house built to command attention. Built of large rough hewn stones and topped with a tall spiked iron fence, the house seemed to emanate a sense of menace. 

Luckily for Nico he was prohibited from going through the grand main entrance, he got to go through the servants entrance.

The hallway was quiet as Nico's feet echoed nervously on the polished marble floor, the cook had said that the lord was up in his private sitting room(she had added a lusty wink for good measure) Nico had vacated the kitchen shortly after, he had heard rumors that the lord Mortimer was looking for a wife but that was just gossip. 

Now he was at the door to the lord's private sitting room. He was tapping his feet nervously, wondering if he should go in when a loud sneeze followed by a muffled curse came from behind a tapestry on the opposite wall. Nico rolled his eyes and walked across the hall, he knew full well who was behind that tapestry. Sure enough when he pulled it back a very rednosed girl stumbled out, Maud Mortimer was a chubby girl with violently red hair, a permanently runny nose and a scowl to rival all scowls. " What's with the getup?" were the first words out of her mouth once she regained her balance. Nico rolled his eyes, that was Maud for you, bust her for sculking and she asks you about your clothes. "What were you doing?" Nico hissed. "I'm trying to listen, hush!" Maud held up a finger and pointed to the door, Nico could hear hushed voices but couldn't make out what they were saying.

 "Maud this is insane, he's probably just meeting with one of his business partners". But to be perfectly honest it didn't sound like a business partner, in fact at that moment a peel of laughter like silver bells came from behind the closed door. "See!" said Maud "he asked her to marry him! I'm telling you!" "No way!" Said Nico , just a touch too loud, the laughing stopped and they heard footsteps behind the door.

 The door swung open and there stood Lord Vetris Mortimer, he stood tall at six feet, he was dressed impeccably in a rich brown doublet and a forest green velvet overcoat. With his hair perfectly slicked back he stuck an imposing figure in the open doorway. His silver eyes roved over Nico and a flicker of recognition sparked in his eyes, "Ah you're the delivery boy? Why are you arguing with my daughter?" " Its nothing papa, he was just turned around" Maud smiled up up at her father, he didn't return the gesture. "Well then, be on your way." Nico managed to stutter a "yes sir but where should i leave them?" "My office is fine" Nico bowed and retreated down the  hallway, "idiot boy" lord mortimer muttered as he closed the door.

The lord's office was on the 4th floor and Nico was panting by the time he made it to the top of the stairs. The hallway was adorned with portraits of the Mortimer family, they seemed to stare down at him from their places on the cold walls. Nico followed the crimson runner to the door at the end of the hall, it clicked open easily as he pushed it.

The study was large with 2 glass windows anda massive oak desk strewn with assorted papers. Nico set the vials on the desk and was about to turn away when he noticed the smell, it was faint but Nico hadn't spent two years as an alchemist's apprentice without developing a keen sense of smell. He sniffed again, certain this time, it was the same smell that whafted out of the lady's perfume shop that Isabella always dragged him to when they were sent out to do the shopping.

Nico looked down and saw a light pink piece of stationary with the large loopy handwriting that many of the court ladies favored; he could now see the spot of oil that gave it its scent. Nico looked around nervously, when he had reassured himself that he was alone he turned back to the letter and read: 

Your Grace,

When I first read your courtship offer I was indeed flattered but seeing as there are more than 30 years difference in our ages and you being a father, my family and i do not think it a good match. I beg a thousand forgivenesses for any displeasure I may have caused you.

Most sincerely yours,

Countess Pricilla Valente

Nico stood there shocked! So Maud had actually been right, the lord had tried to court Lady Valente and she had said no. But then why was she sitting in the lord's sitting room? Nico's gaze was drawn to the potions sitting innocently on the desk, He folded up the letter and stuffed it in his jacket. He turned to walk away when a snatch of pink caught his eye, turning back he saw a second letter, then a third then a fourth! Folded in with the fourth letter was a piece of white parchment with the Potion Makers Guild emblem at the top. Grabbing all the letters he stuffed them unceremoniously into his jacket, then quickly backed out of the room shutting the door with a soft "click". 

 He  made his way down the hall and several flights of stairs before what he had done hit him, stealing from nobility would at the very least result in several years in prison and at the worst was a capital offense. Nico managed to ask a maid where "Miss Maud" was and after she had finished giggling at his outfit she managed to point him in the direction of the rose garden. Nico gave her a dirty look and made his way to the garden.

...To be continued

Alright my little sweet potatos, I hope you enjoyed. Please don't forget to like and comment cause that really motivates me to write more!

Ta-ta for now! 

-Extremely sleep deprived author

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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