Chapter Twenty Four

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Twenty Four: The Pancake On The Ceiling

Harry watched as Ginny entered the kitchen, a bush of brown hair blurred her vision. Hermione, literally pounced on her, hugging her. Ginny squeezed her best friend back with the same vigour. Hermione backed away and smiled hugely.

"I knew you would come this time!" she exclaimed, breathless because of the tight embrace. Ginny smiled warmly in response. Hermione took notice of Harry who raised his eyebrows and gave an apologetic smile. He knew Hermione would not want her baby girl crushed between herself and Harry if she were to hug him. Hermione smiled back before side hugging him.

"Let the man breathe, Hermione," came the familiar voice of Ron. That was when Ginny noticed that the kitchen was a full house. All the sisters-in-law of the house were trying to cook with Mrs Weasley trying to keep the order. Ron's comment stopped all the commotion in the kitchen and Mrs Weasley hurried forward to hug the newly arrived couple. She did not care if Harry was holding her granddaughter or not. She looked at Hermione who got the message and forcefully took Rose from Harry. As soon as the coast was clear, Molly handed Harry one of the signature Molly Weasley hugs, nearly choking him and breaking his bones. Ginny laughed out loud at his terrified expression but he managed to plaster a smile, forgetting his injuries. Ron joined Ginny as well and the other ladies continued their cooking, chattering every so often.

"I'm so glad you could make it, dear," Mrs Weasley said, cupping Harry's cheek affectionately. Harry smiled in response.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley."

Mrs Weasley nodded. "Harry dear, do you mind helping?" she asked gently.

"Of course not, Mrs Weasley! I'd love to help. Please do tell me what I need to do," Harry replied.

"Can you help the kids decorate the tree, dear? I would normally ask Arthur to do that but he's in his shed, fondling with Merlin know what," Mrs Weasley said. Harry smiled. With a nod, he left the busy kitchen, Ginny in tow.

"You are here?" he asked her when he noticed her following him. She frowned, nodded then grinned.

"Mum thinks we are fighting again. So she is setting up things to get us to 'reunite'."

Harry grinned back and the two entered the sitting room. The fireplace was off to the side, cackling merrily, emitting sparks of fire. The mass of Weasley kids were scattered. Some, mostly the elder ones, were sitting in front of the fireplace, making paper chains by the red light. The middle aged of the kids were hanging several decorations around and the babies of the house were messing everything. Harry and Ginny could not control their laughter when Victoire turned around and found her younger brother Louis tear one of her paper chain. She shouted at him in rapid French, causing the younger boy to cackle and roll around. Ginny walked over to them and was about to pick Louis up when a tug on her navy blue dress made her look down.

A boy of about ten years stood there, looking up at her with entrancing brown eyes. He had turquoise straight hair and wore an expression of recognition. "Ginny?"
This alone brought tears to the redhead's eyes and she bent low and hugged the little boy. Just a second later, she felt another pair of arms wrap around her and the little boy. "Is it really you? Harry?" came the muffled voice of the tiny boy.

"Yes, sweetheart," Ginny replied, not breaking the hug.

"We are never leaving you ever again, Teddy. I'm so sorry," Harry said, his voice breaking slightly. They broke away from the hug and stared at each other's watering eyes with teary smiles.

"Really?" Teddy asked.

"Yes and I will buy you anything you ask for," Harry said, holding Teddy by his shoulders. Teddy grinned and hugged him.

"Thank you, Harry!"

"There is no need for that, son," Harry replied. Ginny placed a small kiss on the aspiring boy's hair and got up. She noticed her mother and her best friend watching them from the kitchen. They smiled and she nodded back with one of her own.

"So, who wants to start decorating?" Ginny asked, clapping her hands together and grabbing the attention of all the kids. Bill walked in at the exact same moment along with George. They decided to help as well and together, the four of them, along with the kids, started making The Burrow look more festive.

Arthur Weasley joined the decoration squad a couple minutes later, hanging several muggle stuff such as pens, staplers, chopsticks and mainly, a rubber duck. He noticed Harry and offered an hand, which Harry shook gladly. It meant only one thing - 'Welcome back to the Weasley family'.

Later, Arthur made it a point to ask the baffled, stuttering Harry what the use of a rubber duck is. Just like every other time, Harry had trouble trying to make him understand what on earth a 'blasted rubber duck' is. By the time he finished his usual explanation that it is nothing but a toy, a huge, ear piercing sound of the fall of an utensil caught the attention of the decoration squad. Everyone besides the kids rushed into the kitchen to find the place a mess.

Red liquid; ketchup was splattered on the walls of the kitchen, dripping down and causing a mess on the floor. A set of china plates were broken and the pieces were scattered on the floor. The sink was overflowing with water and magical bubbles which made a quack sound when no one poked it. Black smoke was liberating from the pan on the stove and something black and blobby sat on it, roasted beyond belief. White dough littered the table as well as Ron's face but most importantly, a single pancake had somehow managed to land up on the ceiling of the kitchen, threatening everyone beneath of it's messy fall. Harry gulped when it finally fell, thanks to Earth's gravitational pull, on Mrs Weasley.

Fumes came out from Mrs Weasley's ears as Ginny closed hers. Mr Weasley hurried over to her and looked at everyone, closing her mouth as she turned redder and redder to match her hair. Everyone at once left the kitchen in a hurry, knowing full well of the consequences they would face otherwise.

"I think we infuriated her," Angelina, George's wife started in a low tone.

"Absolutely, Angie," Audrey, Percy's wife replied, looking calm. Mr Weasley came in, a few minutes later, looking afraid.

"Totally messed up," is all he said before all the heads in the room turned to Harry. He raised his eyebrows. Ginny nudged him in the ribs and he exclaimed.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"My dear Harrykins," George started. "You are the only one mum cares a lot about from all of us. None of us here want to become roasted turkeys or worst, stinky garlic!" George hissed. Harry whimpered and looked at Ginny for help. She shook her head.

"I love you, Harry," she whispered.

"Is that meant to be a goodbye?"

"Perhaps, yes!" everyone in the room shouted in sync.

"Thank you, guys. I love you all too."

The last part was sarcastic so don't worry. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter is: Molly and Harry cooking along with Christmas gift exchange!

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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