Chapter 10

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Jimin currently had his wrists tied together to the headboard of Yoongi's bed, a pillow under his chest to help ease the strain and his knees propping him up so his ass was in the air. "Do you know what you did, Jiminie?"

Of course, Jimin knew exactly what he had done, but despite the fact that he was literally about to be punished, he was still in a playful mood. "No, hyung, I have no idea what I did wrong." He felt a shiver of excitement shoot down his spine as he felt Yoongi reach around his waist to unbutton his pants. "I was just talking to a coworker."

"That may be true." Jimin's toes curled in anticipation as he felt his pants and underwear being pulled down to his thighs, exposing his ass to the air and to his Dom. "But you still broke a rule. And when you break rules, you have to suffer the consequences." He squeaked as Yoongi palmed at his ass cheeks, squeezing them lightly as he leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Color, baby?"

Jimin's fingers clenched around his bindings, every fiber of his being crying out for his Dom to hurry up and get on with it. "Green, Hyung." Jimin said, wiggling his ass teasingly and earning another squeeze to still him.

Yoongi sat back up. "10 spankings." Yoongi stated bluntly, and Jimin couldn't help but feel that he was still letting him off a bit easy, a part of him even feeling a bit disappointed at that. "You will count each one. If you mess up, I will start over and go harder. Understood?"

"Yes, Hyung." Jimin nodded, slightly, his whole body buzzing as Yoongi caressed his ass, waiting for the moment his punishment would truly begin.

Although he'd been expecting it, Jimin was still shocked when Yoongi finally landed the first hit, his Dom's hand moving off of his ass and striking down so quickly that he wasn't able to do much but let out a small squeak of surprise and pain. "One." He said quietly, loving the sting spreading out from where Yoongi's hand had come into contact with him.

"Louder." Yoongi demanded, bringing his other hand down on Jimin's other cheek just as quickly as before.

"Two." Jimin let out a small whine at the third hit, wanting nothing more than to lower his hips to the sheets, wanting some friction against his cock that had hardened with each slap.

"Jiminie, did you forget something?" It wasn't until then that Jimin realized he hadn't counted that one. He opened his mouth to say three, but couldn't as Yoongi said, "Start over."

Jimin cried out as Yoongi brought his hand down on the swell of his ass right cheek, hard enough that the sub wouldn't be surprised if it left a hand shaped bruise. "One-ah!" Yoongi hadn't wasted any time in bring his hand back down onto Jimin's left cheek. "Two!"

That time, Jimin managed to get to ten without any mistakes, although his cock was throbbing and leaking pre cum like his life depended on it and there was a nice haze settling over his mind. Yoongi didn't wait long after the last hit before immediately undoing the ropes around Jimin's wrists, tossing them to the side and ridding the younger male of his pants and underwear completely. He maneuvered them so he was leaning back against the pillows, pulling Jimin into his lap and cuddling him close in his lap. "You did so good, baby." Yoongi murmured into Jimin's hair, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head. "My Jiminie is so good."

A small noise content escaped Jimin at that as he nuzzled further into Yoongi's chest. He was extremely happy, but he felt like they weren't done just yet. He didn't know what, but there was something that needed to be done before he was completely satisfied. It wasn't until he shifted his hips the tiniest bit and felt Yoongi's erection pressing against him that he realized that feeling was his desire to make Yoongi cum. In all of their time together, Yoongi had always pleasured Jimin fully, coaxing many an orgasm out of him, but he couldn't recall a time that Yoongi had ever gotten off. He knew that Yoongi had told him from the beginning that it wasn't so much about his own pleasure, but in that moment, it just felt wrong to Jimin. Yoongi should get to feel good too.

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