Chapter 18

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Jimin hadn't been avoiding Yoongi since they got back from their trip. He really hadn't. He had just decided to put a hold on their regularly scheduled playtimes as he tried to sort through his feelings that were growing more and more prominent ever since Taehyung had put a label to them. Of course, that's not what he told Yoongi, he had just texted him prior to their meetings for the past couple of weeks saying that he either wasn't feeling well or just wasn't in the right mindset to play, and Yoongi was almost frustratingly understanding each time, wishing him well and sending a cute emoji that Jimin felt was reserved exclusively for him.

However, he soon found that trying to figure it out himself wasn't truly helping because all he could do in his free time was think about Yoongi and how badly he wanted to be with him and kiss him and play with his hyung and then have breakfast in bed the next morning with cuddles and more kisses and maybe even going on dates. He didn't think he'd ever been so confused in his life. So, he decided to seek expert help.

"Jimin1" Seokjin pulled Jimin into a tight hug the second he'd opened the door for the younger male. "To what do I owe this visit?"

"I need advice." Jimin said, and before he knew it, he was sitting on the couch with Seokjin with a mug of tea in his hands.

"So, what do you need advice on?" Seokjin asked.

Jimin bit his lip, tapping his fingers along his mug as he thought over how to word his question. " started dating Namjoon after he became your Dom, right?" Seokjin nodded, his eyes visibly softening at the mention of his boyfriend. " did you know that your feelings weren't just because of your dynamic? That you liked him beyond being your...Daddy." Jimin still felt a bit awkward using that term purely because it wasn't a kink of his.

Seokjin hummed, tilting his head as he thought about it, a soft smile slowly spreading across his face. "Well, I first noticed my feelings when I started becoming more excited to just see Namjoon than for our actual scenes. And then I started wanting to spend time with him outside of them too. Then when we did start hanging out beyond our scenes, I realized that I enjoyed it just as much, maybe even more than when we were in our dynamic." He looked at Jimin curiously. "Do you like Yoongi?"

"I...I think so." Jimin bit his lip nervously again. "I feel...something. But I don't know if it's just because he's my hyung and taken such good care of me, or if I actually like him."

"Feelings are a strange thing." Seokjin mused. "You'll figure it out eventually, though." Jimin quietly thanked him, and their conversation changed after that as they finished their tea.

After talking with Seokjin, Jimin decided to conduct his own experiment. That time when Yoongi texted to see about if he was coming over that Saturday, instead of coming up with an excuse to not go, he instead said that while he still wasn't feeling up to a scene, he still wanted to hang out. So, he found himself in Yoongi's apartment on a Saturday like usual, but instead of immediately moving to the bedroom and sitting pretty, Jimin had his feet curled up under him on the couch, a bowl of jjapaguri in his hands as Yoongi scrolled through Netflix to find something to watch. Neither of them could think of something good, so they eventually settled on putting on a drama they'd both seen before to serve as mainly background noise as they ate.

"How are your kids doing?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin was taken aback for a moment, as he didn't realize the older male had picked up on his tendency to refer to his students as 'his' kids. "Didn't you say that one was starting to read?"

"Yeah, she's actually able to sound out pretty much any word now and reads at least one book to me during center time every day." Jimin couldn't help but smile as he talked about all the achievements his kids had been making over the course of the school year and sharing their personalities with Yoongi so he could get a feel as to why some of the smaller things were so monumental to Jimin.

"They all sound really cute. I bet they're good kids."

Jimin chuckled. "Well, I don't believe there's such a thing as a bad kid. But they can definitely make bad choices, like yesterday when I ended up with a mouthful of water all over my hand. Why? She wanted another cup of water. Obviously spitting the water in her mouth on me was the best way to get more water."

Yoongi joined in Jimin's laughter. "Kids are something else."

"Definitely." Jimin agreed. "What about you? How's that song you've been working on?" Yoongi's eyes immediately lit up as he began rambling about his most recent song. Jimin didn't understand a lot of the more technical part of the music making process, but the look on Yoongi's face as he spoke, the pure passion for his work radiating from him, Jimin could have sat there and listened to him talk all day. God, I love this man. That thought definitely took Jimin by surprise, the absolute sureness of his feelings. It must have been evident on his face, because Yoongi then stopped mid-sentence to ask Jimin if he was okay. "Oh, yeah, just...I just like hearing you talk about work." He offered Yoongi a small smile which the older male returned before continuing with what he was saying.

By the time Jimin was leaving Yoongi's apartment, there was no doubt in his mind that his feelings for Yoongi definitely stemmed beyond their dynamic. But now came the hard part: how was he supposed to tell him? Fuck.

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