Chapter 8

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Perenelle smiled at Harry's acceptance, she was truly looking forward to training with him.

"And what about you Hermione?" Perenelle asked.

"I go where Harry goes." She stated plainly.

Perenelle nodded. She took out a ring from her cloak and held it in her hands. Harry looked horrified.

"Um . . .Professor, what is that?" Harry asked with a wary glance at the ring in Perenelle's palm.

"This is a Portkey Harry, I believe that you have travelled by this method before." Perenelle said.

"No! . . .I mean yes, I have travelled by it before, but I absolutely hated it!" Harry said, his head swinging from side to side wildly.

Perenelle was amused at Harry's antics, but was inwardly frowning. She would need to teach him to adapt to whatever situation he was in, and she couldn't have him whining about the little things. But she also realized that he was a 13 almost 14 year old boy. It would definitely be a challenge for her.

"Would you like to Apparate instead?" she asked.

"What's Apparate?" Harry asked curiously. She noticed that Hermione's eyes had lit up with recognition, and she grew excited at the prospect.

"It would be easier for you to experience it." She said, and held out her hand to him. "Grab on tightly Harry, and whatever you do, don't let go."

Harry grabbed her hand tightly, and looked at her expectantly.

"Albus, If you would please escort Hermione." She said.

Harry felt a slight tug on his arm, and he felt as if he was being forced through a particularly narrow tube, and before he could start feeling squeamish, the sensation stopped and he was standing on unsteady feet in the same circular room that Perenelle's office was in.

He shook his head, trying to clear it of the lingering feeling of compression. While it was much better than a Portkey, it was decidedly uncomfortable.

There was a soft pop behind him, and Dumbledore and Hermione appeared behind them. He saw Hermione shaking her head as well. Dumbledore left shortly thereafter, and Harry patted his robes, making sure that Sirius's letter was still safe in his pocket.

Perenelle then began to tell them about the room, apparently the six doors each led to a separate area, one was her office, and there was a target range, a Duelling room, an Equipment room, a Runic Ritual room, and a Library.

"Before I show you the workings of each room, I need to add you to the wards, please follow me." Perenelle walked forward and the door directly in front of her opened to her office. She then proceeded to tap her wand against the back wall of her office, and much like the entrance to Diagon Alley, a stone archway was formed.

Hermione looked around fascinated by the room. The whole room was practically covered in Runes. Even though she had studied Runes for a year, she couldn't decipher the meaning behind the Rune Array. At the centre of the room was a white marble slab, on which rested a floating cube, red in colour, which was littered in Runes as well.

"Professor?" Hermione asked.

"Yes Hermione. . . ?"

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