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Tiffany laid asleep on his bunk bed and Anne was sitting on Taylor's lap, who was sitting at the foot of the bed. Watching her sleep. Tiffany was a small girl, who was now covered in bruises and burns on her wrists form the rope being around them so roughly. He didn't understand, not at all, how somebody could hurt her. Let alone somebody who had a child with her. Anne was such a good little girl.
Even though it was late, Max somehow knew Anne was back in the house. He yawned, but wiggled himself off the bed and

Went looking through the house. He grabbed a box first. It would be story time with Anne. Little Max went from room to room, until he found them in Taylor's and Tyler's bedroom. "...Anne!" Max said. "Come here, little man." Taylor said and Max hurried over. Taylor laid the two toddlers in the bed beside Tiffany and picked up the book Max had brought with him. With it being so late, the toddlers didn't last very long into the book, but the light turning off wake the lightly sleeping Tiffany. Taylor just pulled the blanket back over her better. "Rest.

The toddlers are sleep now. You really should rest." Taylor said and she shook her head. "Please? You are safe here. Pa is going to put a stop to it and you are going to stay here for a while." Taylor said. "....light...On." she mumbled and Taylor nodded. He turned the main light on. "I'm going to make something to eat. Do you want me to bring you up something? Taylor asked and she just shook her head. "Alright. Please, try and get some rest." Taylor said, before he made a slow walk down to the kitchen. "What is

The next step then?" Taylor heard Draco asked Harry and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. I'm making a report and then I'm likely going to kick her father's ass. Who the duck doesn't believe their kid?" Harry said and Draco walked over, planting a light kiss on Harry's lip. "I wish I knew, but please. I don't want you leaving in a fit. She's here and she'll be safe." Draco said softly and Harry let out a sigh. "I want to be sure she stays that way and doesn't have to look over her shoulder anymore...But I'm

Not sure how Taylor is going to feel." Harry said, unaware of Taylor, who was still eavesdropping on their conversation. "Why are you worried about what I'll feel like? I thought the plan was for her to stay here..." He said, walking into the kitchen and making himself known. "The plan is for her to stay, however... she's going to have to tell you, Taylor. It isn't my place to tell you. I don't even think I'm suppose to know. I just happened to be coming back when the doctor was speaking to her one of those times." Harry said.

"Pa, can't you just tell me? She should be resting..." Taylor said and Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry, son. It isn't my place to tell you her business. I shouldn't even know. Just talk to her. I'm sure she isn't sleeping. I doubt her mind will let her sleep right now." Harry said and Taylor let out a sigh, but slowly went back to Tiffany.
Harry was right, Tiffany wasn't asleep. She wasn't even in the bed anymore. She was sitting back the window, one that the twins had uncovered. With the world changing, Harry felt safe enough to

Allow them to remove the ones in their bedroom and bathroom. So, a lot of the windows still had covers. She was hugging her knees, just watching the ran fall. He looked over at the bed. The two toddlers were still asleep and his brother was asleep up top. He walked over and eased to sit on the window bar thing, looking at her. She, however, just somewhat buried her face on her knees. She couldn't believe what had happened. Well, she couldn't believe they knew what had happened and she wasn't convinced that they believed her, after all, nobody

Else did. "Tiff, I'll take care of you and Anne. Pa is going to put a stop to him, I promise your safe." Taylor said, but she just shook her head. "...You...don't need to waste your time...on me, Taylor. You're too good of a person to waste it on somebody like me or to be stuck rasing somebody else's kids." She whispered. It took a second before Taylor understood what she meant by kids. Anne was her first and she must of been pregnant. "Tiffany. What kind of man would that make me be, if I didn't keep

Caring about you, because you had Anne or because you're having another baby? That would be really fucked up. My parents raised me not to be that kind of person and Pa and Dad have shown me it doesn't matter if we are biologically theirs or not. We are their kids. There is no difference." Taylor said before holding his hand out. She slowly took his hand and let him pull her to him. Easing her to sit on his leg. "I'll take care of you and the kids. I can't promise I'll be a great dad, because until this

Last year, I haven't been around a little one. Nicky is six years younger then us. I don't really remember him being a baby you know?" Taylor said, locking an arm around her. "You...do wonderful...She never...goes to sleep so early for anybody else. She...trusts you...and your new siblings all love you." Tiffany pointed out. "I love the kids, I do. I don't understand them all, but they are all very sweet kids. Broken. Pa and Dad have helped a great deal, but I still worry about Brittany is. She has seen too much for such

A young girl, unfortunately." Taylor frowned.

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