Nap time

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This is a seperated oneshot-collection this has nothing to do with "Papa Nightmare?"

There are NO SHIPPINGS here!!!!!

Drawing made by me ^^

Nap Time

"Boys! Get into bed! It's nap time!" Nightmare said with a stern voice as he saw his little bad sanses jump around in the castles hallway. It was in the middle of the day and the troublemakers had to get some rest. The goopy skeleton was ready for a break from chasing after the oldest little ones, Killer, Cross and Dust. Horror and Axe were younger and Error was the youngest. "Nuuu we don wannaaa" Killer said in protest and stomped his little foot on the ground. Night rolled his eye and grabbed the toddlers and Error who was still nearly a baby, with his tentacles gently and brought them to their shared bed room. He locked the door incase anyone wanted to try to escape. "Alright boys! Again, it's nap time and you gotta get some sleep. I need a break too". Axe, Dust, Cross and Horror nodded as they realized that they were indeed tired. They rubbed their eyes and yawned sleepily, Nightmare smiled and laid them all down in their beds and tucked them in, soon patting their heads. Killer on the other hand was very much awake. He kept wiggling, trying to get out of Nights grasp. "Lemmwee gooo, i wanna pway!", "No it's time to get some sleep, Killer! Look at the others, they are all resting as well." Nightmare explained while craddling Error in his arms and rocking him in a gentle way to make him sleepy. Killer pouted at that remark and began to whimper with frusteration, while big tears started to form in his eyesockets. He was always cranky when he was tired and it was hard to get him to realize that he was in need of rest. Night sighed softly and brought Killer to his chest, giving him a hug. The goopy skeleton laid Error in his crib and tucked him in with a fluffy blanket and gave the youngest, his plushie.

Afterwards he had enough space for comforting Killer on his chest and lap. By that time, Killer was fully crying and hiccuping on top of Nightmares chest. "Killer it's okay....shhh don't worry i will take care of the bad dreams, remember ? They won't hurt you." Night spoke with a soft and lovely voice, while rubbing small circles on Killers back. "Nu scawyyyy dweam?", the toddler asked while sniffling. Night smiled warmly and nodded before he started to rock Killer gently and pat his little skull, "that's right! No scary dreams for Killer."

Slowly the comforting gestures of the king of negativity seemed to work, the small skeleton on top of Nightmares chest was getting more quiet and calmer. Killers breathing slowed down to a pace that was letting Night know, that the little troublemaker was dozing off to sleep. Nightmare smiled and sat next to the bed of the others and laid Killer down beside Cross who instantly cuddled closer to Killer. Making sure that all of the young ones were covered with a blanket. Being finished with that, he stretched and leaned back to get some rest as well in his seat. Closing his eye he smiled sleepily while shaking his head thinking about the toddlers sleeping cuddled up together.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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