VIII. Someone Does Love Me

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Eight.              Someone Does Love Me

           To say Ivy Jacobs felt nothing when she woke up, she meant it

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           To say Ivy Jacobs felt nothing when she woke up, she meant it. She was numb to every feeling possible. Her eyes burned— which didn't seem to phase her, and she had to peel them open with her red painted fingertips. Brown whiskey irises meeting makeup residue on her fingers. The girl sighed as she sat up slowly, nearly falling over until her hands caught her on her nightstand. Eyes landing on an Advil pill and a glass of water. "Bless Marsha Jacobs." A breath. "Sometimes." The girl took the pill with a huge gulp of water as she stood on shaky legs, knees nearly buckling.

   And before her, she stood in front of her full length mirror— a frown falling upon her pouty lips (more pouty than usual). Odd. "Jesus Christ." She looked like shit. Red hair messy, corset a little too tight for her upper region (boob spillage for the win-ish), mini skirt bunched up way past where it actually was suppose to be, she was missing a sock? Her makeup was everywhere it wasn't suppose to be. She hadn't been this fucked up in a long time.

    And slowly her eyes widened, "fuck!" Hands slapping over her own mouth at the squeaky yell she just barked out. Holy shit!

   She flew down the stairs, skirt pulled down, of course. Her parents eyes lingered on her from the kitchen counter: Marsha biting back a smile, Cal stared with wide eyes. Nate & Aaron stood in the kitchen, Aaron trying not to laugh, Nate stared in disappointment. "Ivy, baby, you okay?"

   She ignored her father's words, head pounding as she stared at her mother. "M-Mom, I ... Laurie!" The woman's eyes widened slowly in realization, "Ivy? Are you serious! I've only been waiting since you were a freshman!" Ivy's eyes then widened even more as her mother came towards her, "what? Since I was freshman? That's crazy!"

   The three Jacobs' men stood in confusion, they'd never get woman.

Maybe she was a witch? Ivy Jacobs looked completely find two hours later as she sat down at the dinner table— the sun setting among the small shit town. What Ivy failed to understand was why her family was having a family dinner? Her parents usually ate reasonably early together. Nate always ate alone. And Ivy would always have dinner in Aaron's room, as he devoured seconds. So, why the fuck were they all sitting at the table together like this was a mandatory college class?

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