Chapter 2

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L was a genius. That was a fact known to many people in the planet. He was the world's greatest detective after all, an astounding title that he very much deserved. After solving thousands of cases that were deemed impossible to solve, people started to label him the best detective the world has ever had. But behind this glorious title, was a stranger, unknown to the public.

L was known to be a mystery, only accepting cases that were interesting to him. He loved a good challenge. He relished in the feeling of winning, proving the perpetrators wrong, and ultimately being better than them. He didn't care about anything else, if your case wasn't interesting, then he wouldn't be involved. Simple as that.

So, when L heard that there was a new serial killer in town, whose apparent goal in life was to rid the world of evil—criminals more specifically—his interest was piqued. He went straight to work.

He thought of a plan to lure Kira. To find out if they really did exist, and maybe to see why they were doing all of this. He wanted to find a motive. They would use a criminal who was to be executed on the same day as the test, and they would announce the beginning of the Kira case. The criminal, posing as L, would either live or die.

Truth be told, he wasn't expecting the experiment to actually work. But it seems God was on his side this time. The criminal had successfully fooled Kira into thinking he was the famous detective, and unfortunately died by a heart attack on live television. His death would not go to waste.

After the little test with Lind L. Tailor, he had finally acquired some valuable information. He proved that Kira did in fact exist. That this phenomenon of criminal murders wasn't done by a divine being. He knew now that Kira needed a name and a face to kill, that they didn't have access to police information, and that they were in the Kanto region of Japan.

This little experiment of his was a success.


The 12 F.B.I. agents were dead.

L was shocked when he first heard the news. How could Kira be able to kill them? How did he know their names and faces? Which one of the suspects was Kira? Numerous questions began to form in his mind, and none of them had answers.

A few days ago, when Kira was suspected to be a student, the killings changed from only occurring in a specific time of day, to almost one death per hour. How could Kira know that they were suspecting him to be a student? Did he have connection to the police? Or was he in the police force himself?

He sent those 12 F.B.I. agents to look into the police force and their families, more specifically the ones who had access to special information involving the Kira case. One could never be too careful.

And with that, he had a prime suspect.

Light Yagami.

The son of Chief Yagami of the NPA, a police officer who leads the Japanese task force.

But his little team was not convinced. They were skeptical of the idea that Light Yagami was Kira. There were 6 of them, L included. Soichiro Yagami, Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi, Touta Matsuda, and Hirokazu Ukita were the only ones that stayed in the investigation team. Willing to risk their lives to capture Kira. The others however, had chosen to save their lives. Not that he could blame them. They made their choice, there was nothing he could do to change that. It just showed where their priorities laid as police officers. At least they were truthful. He'd rather work with few loyal officers than many untrustworthy ones.

It would also mean he didn't have to show his face to multiple people.

So, it was a win-win for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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