Day Two

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I knew why I was here. It wasn't because of a work assignment. It had been months of searching for answers but I think I knew how to stop this hex. It was an item that I had to find and then destroy. Thinking to myself how simple it could be with a team, there was only one problem.

I didn't trust anyone.

If anyone got their hands on what I was trying to destroy, they would be untouchable. Pure dark magic with the purest blood of a unicorn. Even with my father being on the wrong side of the war, he always warned me not to touch magic like that. It seeped into your soul, into your bones. There would be no recovery from even experimenting with magic that dark.

I was gone before Rose woke up and I couldn't help but think it was for the better. Last night was strange. How close she had gotten so close that I could smell her, cherries and vanilla. It was now my favorite combination. One thing I know is I meant what I said to her last night. I didn't want her going off on a rescue mission or for her to try to be a hero at the worst times. If she stuck with me, I could keep her safe and out of the way.

As much as she intrigued me, I knew that I couldn't get close. It wouldn't be fair. I knew that something could happen to me if I destroyed what I was looking for and I wouldn't do that to her. Rose had a good life. Her mother worked at the Ministry a few years ago before permanently settling in London for a normal life. Her father didn't come from magic but I've met the man when I went with Blaise to pick her up before. He was the most humble man I've ever met. She had a little brother in his fourth year at Hogwarts. She was intelligent. She was fearless and quick witted. The only person who gave back what I dished out. 

And she hated me...I think.

My hand touched her skin last night, my fingers were in her hair. That thick, soft, and red hair that I had always wanted to touch. I hoped this would ease the tension we've had for a while now. We may have been in the same department but we were at each other's throats most of the time. Blaise had told me once that the entire office could feel the tension. Our shouting matches, slamming our office doors, even the death glares during meetings.

I challenged for reasons she may not have understood at the time but she will. She was smart and sometimes she didn't push herself hard enough because she was too afraid to fail. I wanted to get her out of her head a little. Push her hard enough at work but make sure she leaves work at the office. Rose would take her work home with her and by home I mean she would want to talk about it when Blaise and I just wanted to have drinks.

"What's going on in that head of yours, bruv?" I looked over, seeing Blaise tucking his quill behind his ear. He had been writing in that stupid notepad all morning and I've had no one to talk to. I didn't answer. Instead, I looked over to see Rose coming out of the tent. She smiled up at Oliver and jumped on his back. Twirling her finger in Astoria's hair as they laughed at something Oliver said. I shouldn't hate him but right now I do. "Why are you staring at Wood like that?"

"Like what?" I snapped, handing off the soil test tube to Luna as she passed.

"Like you want to take a piss on him to mark territory." I finally met his brown gaze and suddenly wanted to smack him. "You know, like a dog."

"I got it, thanks." I grumbled. "What's going on with the three of them anyway? They've been spending a lot of time together." Rose was now blowing off drinks with Blaise and me for Astoria and Oliver. Other than work, I haven't spent any time with her for a few weeks. Blaise's side glance makes something tick in my head. "What are you hiding?"

His hand reached up to hang on the back of his neck. "We've still been going out." He muttered. I raised an eyebrow at him and he tugged on the collar of his shirt with his free hand. "Hear me out. Everytime she says she can't make it, you bail. So, I go anyway and every time I'm there, Rose shows up."

The Hunted: A Theo Nott Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now