Chapter II .

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Friday comes around  and I jump out of bed, thank god I'm not late. Rushing into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth, dressing into black baggy sweatpants with a pant leg up, a white baggy shirt, all black converse and black socks up to my calves. I went down to the kitchen and see Naomi sprawled on the couch, she woke up after hearing me slam the cabinet door by accident.

"Hey good morning" she said in a sleepy deep tone

"Morning" I smile looking at her.

    If I had stayed any longer I probably would've flipped onto the couch  and fell asleep along with her, she eventually got dressed into a velvet red dress and some flats with her hair in a messy bun

We arrived at Wendy's studio for my interview. Nervous butterflies began filling my stomach, I began to walk into the dressing room she arranged for me. Making sure I was mentally ready while making sure I looked okay.

   Naomi was in there with me sitting in the chair behind me looking at me like she knew something was up but chose to ignore it . I was practically shaking at this point because I went on in 2 minutes. Me and Naomi were talking until it was time, I heard Wendy talking and knew she was about to announce me.

"Can we give a huge round of applause for La'ei Leotaaaa!!" She shouted dragging the 'a.' I walked out with my hands in front of me and a emotionless look plastered on my face.

   I sat down placing my hands back on my lap and smiled slightly at the camera "there she isss" Wendy smiled and pointing with an open flat hand.

   I felt my hands sweat as she started off speaking

"So La'ei how are you" she asked grinning

"Good, a little sweaty but for the most part I'm chillin'," I say with my tongue on my cheek to keep from smiling

" alrightyyy well I'm gonna ask you a few question let me know if they get tooo personal" she says smirking,

I press my tongue against my cheek again to keep from smiling  nervously and we start off

"how has your career been going?" She asked still keeping that smile resting naturally on her face.

  "Oh it's been going aight" I try to not smile again

"Well that's good, any new music?" She asks another question

"Oh well if I tell you ill have to kill ya', " I force another emotionless face again and wink

"We'll hope there is more music, are you gonna start a rap career? A lot of people have a few recordings of you free-styling in your past"

"I wasn't thinking my fans was gonna feeling it, and I wasn't feeling it. I'mma just stick to singing now"

Oh wait and see

"Oh well okay um" she then ask, another question that I didn't rehearse

"Which one of your idols would you wanna meet or you'd wanna know personally?" She asks barring another smile.

   "I'd have to say Eminem.. he seems dope and he's #1 on my list of people I wanna meet," I say still holding an uncomfortable expression

"Oh really? What would you do if he was on stage right now?"

I snap my head towards the stage entrance hoping I'm not turning red through my dark skin as anticipation builds inside me

"We're just joking he hates interviews" I mentally hold my hand over my heart in relief, Wendy looks at me laughing as the crowd realizes what I'm doing.

  I hear a faint but loud "SHE MIGHT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM" the random person yells and I snap my head back towards the crowd narrowing my eyes to trying to find who said that.

   Of course, I did he was adorable, his bright ocean blue eyes, his uneven lips that just match him perfectly, not to mention his perfectly shaped nose, I adored him, I knew every lyric to every song, had all of his albums that had came out from 'Infinite' to 'The Marshall Mathers LP'.                                   
__ __ __

   Snapping back into reality I realize I was blushing at my own thoughts and everyone saw me...on live television... in front of the world...and Eminem might be watching. I went even more red if that's even possible! Wendy sat up and begin discreetly laughing in-sync the crowd.

"Well it seems as if La'ei is crushing on Superstar rapper Eminem!" The crowd goes wild. I prayed deep deep down he wouldn't see this, and by prayed I surely meant prayed.

The interview was fortunately over and I went back to my dressing room and started shaking even more as thoughts ran through my head like a marathon's "Was he gonna see this?"
"I'm dead, I'm dead,I'm dead" just as my brain slowed back down Naomi comes in

"Bitch you didn't tell me you had a crush on the Eminem!" She shouts in a giggly tone.

I place my hand on her mouth as fast as I could

"Shhhh who the hell knows who might be at the fuckin' door right now" she licks my hand but my hand stays glued to her mouth

"Your not weirded out?" She muffled under my palm

"Nah bitch, we've been friends since we was  kids, we've done worse" we both laugh

knock knock knock

"oh shit!" I whisper shouted I dry my hand and open the door, it's Wendy

"Hey um just wanted to formally apologize, you looked embarrassed out there. I tried to tell my producers to give you another shot but we had a tight squeeze so we had to put that one out" she explains, my heart sinks

We finally left and on the drive home I thought over the entire interview and began shaking.

What if he saw that interview and knew I liked him? That thought ran through my head over and over again.

I would lose my mind if Marshall saw that.

I mean, I never confirmed I liked him...maybe he won't know directly

Naomi was sitting next to me and she saw how stressed I looked

"Aye Lay you good?" I look over at her with a subtle smile

"Yeah just worried as hell" I say rubbing my fingers along the bridge of my nose.

We arrived at my house and I walked in Naomi trailing behind me locking the door and turning the lights off, we both slipped our shoes off and plopped on opposite ends of my couch.

                                    __   __   __
The next morning I had a splitting headache, it could've been how hard I was thinking yesterday but it could also be because my dream was even worse.

I look up to the other couch and see Naomi still sleep.

I sit up a little and breathe before getting up, I never realized my phone had blown up since what happened yesterday.

My text messages were filled with links to Twitter and Instagram post that involved me and the interview and my heart sank as I opened one;

"Singer/basketball star La'ei Leota crushes on worldwide rapper and phenomenon Eminem"

"Of all things that coulda happened" I groan slapping my palms onto my face."How could this happen?" I look over and see Naomi waking up.

"How could what happen? What the fuck are you even talking about"

I show her my phone "this" her eyes grow wide and she mutters a curse. I look at her eyes more confused and curious than angry "what do you mean?" She looks up at me "your screwed."

I look at her petrified by what I heard "me? Screwed, how?" She drops her expression a little and points the phone toward me and points at his name

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