Y/n's Backstory

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As a child Y/n was cheerful, kind and overall a happy child. Y/n lived with her parents in Venezuela until they were killed in a flood. Her family was full of magic but it wasn't really magic. You see when a spirit being falls in love with a human the only way for them to be united is if 1) the human agrees to live in the spirit realm or 2) if the spirit being comes to earth. Well y/n's great grandfather Eric chose to come live on earth with great grandma Andrea. The two were madly in love and had two twin children who would be considered Demi's because they were half spirit and half human. The oldest Marcos, never had children but the youngest, Mauricio, had a daughter named Alejandra who married Jose. Mauricio also had a son, named Emanuel but Emanuel was weird and isolated himself from the family so we dont really talk about him( just like Bruno 😉)

Even though Jose and Alejandra had tried 5 times, they still couldn't bore a child. Every night Alejandra wept because when Jose would go to work at night, she was lonely. So one night she said a prayer to the gods.

Alejandra: Please...Goddess Amaria...gift me a child. You know me as Alejandra L/n, as the wife of José but I am coming to you in prayer as a friend and humble follower.

Little did Alejandra know, Goddess Amaria had just given birth to a beautiful child, y/n. She felt pity for Alejandra so...she gifted her the greatest honor.

Goddess Amaria: Dearest Alejandra, do not fret. Even though it will bring me great sorrow...I shall gift you the honor of raising my one and only child y/n. I fully trust you because you are my closest and dearest friend who I know deserves the chance to raise a child of her own.

Goddess Amaria: So I beg of you, get up and open your eyes and see the gift I am giving to you. I only ask though...please treat y/n right. My child hasn't opened her eyes yet and I ask of you to heed this warning.

Alejandra: what warning my friend?

Goddess Amaria: With raising y/n comes great responsibility. There will be those who want my child for their power...power that not even I, the most powerful God hold. I want you to raise them to be good and to put others first. And one last thing.

Alejandra: What is it, mi amiga?

Goddess Amaria: you have to promise that you will teach her about where she really came from, please ?

Alejandra : ... I promise my friend.

And with that Y/n was given to be a "human" child. No one other than her family new that she was a god child. Y/n was taught about her heritage and her real parents, she was a really happy child and the light of her village in Venezuela. She was the best at everything but she never boasted. She was really "perfect". But when she was around 5 years old, there was a flood when goddess Silvia started crying from reading one of her earthly  novels😑. 

Silvia wept and wept and because she was the goddess of water, there was a great flood. This flood spread all over. And in the flood, y/n lost her parents, they drowned trying to save y/n. She was never the same.

She went to go live with her uncle Emanuel. Emanuel didn't mind his niece staying with him because in reality he was lonely but he didn't know how to say it. He loved his niece because she was the only person to try to understand him, and she did understand him, why? Well because she too was misunderstood.

They moved to Columbia, where y/n had met a young Camilo madrigal. At first she didn't like him, she thought he was weird and obnoxious. But over time she soon grew fond of him and his family. 

Let's move to the future now, shall we? 

Vamos mi amigos and let's watch y/n's journey as she figures out who she not only wants to be, but is meant to be.

Go to the next chapter to find out what happens next.

Adios, y hasta luego mi amigos 👋 😁

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