Why so cold?

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Camilo: Can we be friends?

As you stared at him in disbelief. Why could he possibly want to be friends with you? you racked your brain for any answers. here, this mortal human boy dared to even attempt to try and gain your companionship. It was mind baffling. After having an evident thoughtful look on your elegant face, you looked back up at the boy.

With a swift motion, you stood up and were towering over him. the look in your eyes had so much disgust in them. camilo couldnt help but shudder over your frightening gaze. with the anger still prominent in your eyes you responded.

You: no. and do not ever in your life think that you can and will ever be associated with me.

to say the boy was downhearted was an understatement, he desperately wanted to be your friend and maybe more. but he was also confused as to how on earth you didn't like him. everyone liked him so why didn't you?

camilo: wha- why?? tell me why?

with a gulp he silently waited.

you: I hate people like you. humans like you are pathetic to me. acting as if there isn't a care in the world when clearly there are important things at hand. I despise you, Camilo Madrigal.

and with that the girl walked away calm, but under that seemingly graceful exterior she harbored an emotion she had never would have guessed she'd feel towards the male. regret. in truth deep deep down she regretted hurting his feelings. she tried to believe he wasn't like someone she once knew but their similarities were just....there. flaunting in her face as if to taunt her for her sins. she knew very well her godly family had seen that day. every last thing that happens and her reaction to it all. she resented herself for what she did, or rather lack of. 

she felt useless. she didn't know what to do. she knew camilo wouldn't give up being her friend, just like him. and she knew she'd fall for camilo, just like him. and she knew his fate was going to be grim...just like him. she couldn't bare becoming what she despised. so she did the best thing she knew. she pushed him away. so she walked to her secret spot beyond the mountains  and by a waterfall. she meditated until she could feel her mind num and null over.

WITH CAMILO(we finna try his pov lol)

I was starstruck..despite her mean words I could tell in her eyes she didn't mean it. it seemed as if inside of those vast galaxies you call her eyes, there was a storm. I am determined to make her my friend. I don't care what I go through, I will make her my friend, even if it kills me.

ugh why did I just get a shudder, feels like I did smth I'ma regret later on...hm anyways I'ma go see where mi princesa at bc she my bff but she dk it yet.

Back to moi:

unbeknownst to camilo, the goddess and God of mischief, twins Deliro and Jestina. they were the pranksters of the universe, no one could ever out prank those two. they were literally prank gods, both names mean mischief or chaos. they had just heard the silent declaration of young camilo, a human they were fond of since he was also mischivous and loved to cause little jokes n issues. they were gonna help him. so who better could they get to help with making y/n and camilo be together than the one who birthed her herself? Goddess Amaria. now these two especially had favor of Amaria. She didnt look like it but she had a sense of humor that was unmatched. sometimes during days when the gods came together in meeting to discuss the little god-springs time on earth, the would do someting to make her laugh. and being the head it was rather odd for the masses to see their leader in a laughing fit over the dumbest things. her laugh and smile were contageous.

the two sought out for Amaria, and once they found her their once playful demeanor turned stone cold at the sight before the twins. The rather evil father of y/n was standing, hand gripping tightly on the womans neck as pristine pale tears slid down her plump cheeks. the woman wasnt perfect but at the same time she was. she had a temper which was paired with temper tantrums and outbursts. she wasnt insanely built. yes she had milkers and a curve but thats because she gave literal birth. before the child she was already chubby, she tried her best to not go insanely over weight but she also didnt see the point in chiseling her body to unneccesary things. despite her cold vibe she was a sweet lady, which is why the sight shocked them.

When she was pregnant, her former husband was ecstatic. he wanted a boy. so he did eveything in his power to make sure his wife was comfortable and happy during the pregnancy. to the eye he seemed loving but he was loving for selfish reasons. once she bore a girl all hell broke loose. he killed so many gods and humans even almost killing the young one. he wanted her to start over but she refused. her princess was perfect. they fought and she won but not without a fear. he retreated to the dark realm and she was left helping clean up the armelcas. their wonderful home was filled with blood and gore everywhere. even though she loved her people and her daughter, she knew if she picked one over the other nothing but bad would come. so she chose them both.

Coincidently, one of her close friends' descendants,  Alejandra had just called upon her in wishing for a baby she could raise and love till the day she died. Alejandra asked for her womb to be blessed and even though amaria could have, she gave alejandra something better. so responding to the little follower, she gathered her infant baby girl in her arms and sealed away the dark past she had. transforming the girl into a human replica was tiring but worth it. she gave her goodbyes to the baby before kissing her forehead and putting a protection spell so she would go undetected in case her father came to retrieve her from earth. she sent the baby and weeped. she knew her now divorced husband would return to attempt at killing the baby, what he didn't know was that this babies raw uncut power stemmed from the fact she was female. she held a power no other god has, even rivaling and besting her own mother.  and with that over the next years she cleaned up their lovely city and every female born child would become a fighter, a member of the elite soldiers. she didn't want to do it but she knew females were superior to males and knew she needed all the girl power she could get.

So to see this man, Donovan. his name means strife. anything evil stems from him. but he was weak, weaker than amaria at least. which is what was odd to them. why was she letting him choke her? before they could act she spoke through tear stained lips.

Amaria: why..Donovan why have you come to this place? why have you cursed my people once again with your presence?

Donovan: that girl, where is she?

Amaria in a quick motion had him on the floor crying out in pain. she could stand anything directed to her, but definitely not towards her daughter. 

Amaria: shes gone now. and your to blame.

Donovan: oh darling...me and you both know that's not the case. I have come to retrieve her and create the perfect offspring. I know in the past I wanted to kill her but now I realize, she will help me gain what I want most. Power.

suddenly the air was thick and hard to breathe. the twins couldn't help but shiver at the look in his eyes. this was def someone you did NOT want picking up your kid from daycare. but the words that left Amarias lips were some how even worse then his declaration....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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