Prologue : The Tragedy of The Princess and The Outcast

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Long ago, in a kingdom far away... There was a beautiful princess.

She was an angel. She had rubies for eyes, and hair as purple as the violets that bloom in spring.

Her confident smile shined like stars in the night sky.

Fleeting, and stunning unlike any other.

The King even joked that he didn't need a prince for an heir, since his daughter had it all in her.

She was kind, helpful, and that's what makes her adored and loved by everyone.

She was able to travel wherever she wanted in the world, except for a place in the east where her father forbid her from going.

Even so, she had everything the world could offer.



But despite all of that, the princess felt so incomplete.



Every night, she looks up to the sky from her balcony, thinking.

She was longing for something deep inside, something to fill in that space in her heart.

She was yearning for that feeling, of being contended with that someone by her side. She wanted someone to laugh with, to cry with, and to share her life with.


She wanted someone to love. She wanted her own happily ever after.


One day, she got tired of waiting and decides to finally search for it. She along with some fellow knights traversed the lands, in search for that special someone. She wanted to travel the world for her very own prince, even if it took an eternity to do so. Unknowingly, she had arrived at the east, the land where her father forbid her to go to.

And so began the inevitable, as the princess was ambushed by bandits during her travels.

Her knights fought valiantly, however it was not enough to provide her the protection she needed. Thoughts of regret began to pass through her mind, thoughts that she shouldn't have gone from the kingdom. She shouldn't have gone too far, for something she won't even get to have for her life.

"Looks like, we hit the jackpot boys..." One of the Bandits cackled, as they cornered the princess.

"Leave me be, I beg of you..." She pleaded. "For I am a maiden, in search of my one true love... I mean no harm!"

"A maiden with.. loads of jackpot." One of the bandits eyed.

"Oho! I think so too! Far from home aren't ya'? Princess?"

They continued to mock her, causing her spirit to break down. She was scared. Very scared. She had never been in a situation such as this.

Regret began to take over, telling her that she shouldn't have disobeyed her father. It was all over for the princess, no one was going to save her....




...Or so she thought.




Before the bandits could even totally raid her, a hooded figure swoops in and quickly grabs the princess away from them.

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