C6. Another perspective

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[Alpha Group (Team S) Chat]




[Are you girls ready? Let's meet in the lobby in 30 minutes.]




Today is the second day after our return from the cruise ship. Despite the fact that we have just enjoyed a two-week vacation full of luxury and extravagance, something we'd never have the chance to experience under normal circumstances, most freshmen are either using their time to rest or play at the many facilities ANHS has to offer.

For most of Class 1-C, though, that's not possible.

Because of the many defeats my class experienced in the past, our leader, Ryuuen Kakeru, decided that now wasn't the time to "laze around". According to him, if we don't find out who 'X' is soon, the dream of reaching Class A just might become impossible.

There are many within Class C who doubts the existence of this person, but no one dares to voice such thoughts.

Personally, I believe that Ryuuen-kun is just trying to use this unknown existence to instill fear and keep everyone under his control.

But even then, I can't help but feel anxious about the possibility.

The primary reason why I chose to isolate myself from the world, and my family, was because I finally felt hope with all those promises. Three years of studying at an elite high school was a small price to pay If I could give my mother and brother a better life by the end of it. 

But I was a fool. Not one month after joining ANHS, I was reminded that nothing comes cheap in this world. 

'Only students graduating from Class A will receive that benefit.'  Our homeroom teacher said.

Those words made me go dizzy. 

After everything I sacrificed... To go back empty-handed... 

'NO! I would rather...'

"Ugh." I bit my own lips, trying to stop my mind from going down that path. 

...The irony of it all is that the person I absolutely despised at first glance is also the one I must bet everything on... Ryuuen Kakeru, the tyrant of Class C. 

'A delinquent.'  I scoffed.

He is the depiction of everything I hate. He is everything I should be fighting against. His way of resorting to violence at every turn sickens me to my core. It's hard to even look at his cocky face. 

But, somehow, he also earned a bit of my respect. 

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