A music video shooting?

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Suggested by ayushityagi93 di

I hope it would reach to your expectations.


Life is so unpredictable right?Did anyone thought these two ❝Good friends com Co star❞ would Miss each? That their Tom and Jerry fights were nothing but came out of love?leave it,what if they meets after soo long? What would happen then? Get into know


It's a beautiful morning yet not beautiful for Zain. He miss someone so much,who? He really don't know. Why is he feeling like he is incomplete?Why?He don't know. His questions started since the day Naamkarann went off. It's been 2-3 years,but he never got an answer. He is urging to see someone or to say,to get a glimpse of someone. But who? He don't know.

Sitting near the window,seeing the rainfall in Mumbai,sipping his coffee he felt different. All of a sudden,his mind went back to those old memmories,where there were only him and his friend,friend? Was she more than a friend?Maybe yes. Was she the one whom he was missing?Maybe yes. Why did he leaved then?He don't know. The chocolate fights they shared,or the chocolate bond;those were the ones which gave him immense happiness. Whenever he takes a chocolate to eat,he reminds of her, her smile,her laugh,her eyes,everything,which were not less than a smiling mantra for him. His lips used to curve beautifully whenever he thinks about her.

He has to wake from his thoughts,when his phone rang. He took his phone,it was from his manager


Manager-"hello Zain,there is a new project on the way"

Zain-"oh that's good. What's it?"

Manager-"it's a music video."

Zain-"okay,what's the details?"

Manager told him the details,and there would be a ❝co-actress❞ with him to work,but since he never got the news of who is the co-actress,he didn't said.

Manager-"I really don't know who is the co-actress. I'll inform you when I Gets the information about it. I just want a confirmation from you,so that I could tell the director"

Zain-"Yeah I'm ready!"

After ending the call,he went to take a bath.


Somewhere in Rajasthan,the scene was same. A girl sitting on her bed,scrolling through her insta. She saw so much posts of her fans,and she felt extreme happy for having such fans. "AdiZa,please come back.Aduu.."She felt sad at herfans,and she took a decision, that she would be active in Instagram. She posted a photo,Making all her fans super happy.

Her phone rang,she answered the call,"hello?"

"Hello,Am I talking to Aditi Rathore?"

Aditi-"yes you're. Aap kon hai?"

"I'm from xyz music villa,i called you to inform that,our next music video is up,and we're thinking to make you in that. Would you?"

Aditi-"umm,I'll talk to you later,I'll surely give my decision,"

"Yeah sure!"

Aditi-"thank you"

"Whose call was it Adu?"Her mother asked,coming inside.

"Ma it was from music villa,they're asking me to-to perform the roll of their next video,"

"Ahaan,then it's a good thing. Call them and tell you're ready,"

"Ma I'm not ready I mean-"

"Why are you not ready ha?it's been 3 years,and now it's time for you to go back,your fans are waiting for you. You'll go and that's it,no more excuses!"


"If you again refuses,I'll make you marry someone,for sure!"

Aditi chuckled and nodded,in the next moment she called the number and agreed to their music video.


Aditi took the next flight itself to Mumbai. She reached her apartment,and she had a lots of work in her apartment, as it was closed for a long time.

It's been night,when she finished her work and slept off due to tiredness. Next day,would be the best day for her,for sure!


That's it for today,I'm done my hand is paining and I can't write more. But next update will be soon.

Thank you

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