Chapters Twenty-six to Thirty

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Insisting on taking her home, Tuluc was overjoyed with his decision and that his feelings towards Filinia were reciprocated. However, there was still the matter of two things. One, he wasn't sure how he was going to tell her about werewolves and their mates. That each werewolf has one destined soulmate, usually another wolf, and the moment the two wolves meet—well, they just know.
      Some wolves go through life never finding their other half. He never thought his would be a Bellator, like it was for his father, and since Bellators don't have mates, it was the main reason he hadn't told Filinia. And reluctance in playing 'babysitter' to her and dismay that he was doomed to follow in his father's footsteps by being destined to her in the beginning, the latter was the actual reason he had acted so cold towards Filinia. But now? Now he just felt foolish from staying away from her like he did, which he did find the humor in that statement considering they were best friends. And even if his feelings aren't reciprocated, Tuluc just wanted to see her happy.
The other matter, he could assume her father had told her, had to do with the fact that Filinia was no longer safe in Maya. They may have gotten rid of Romington, but there would be others who would try to finish the minotaur's plan. Would her father allow him to come with her or would he be punished and denied entry into Cyré? Tuluc wasn't sure. He could only pray for the prior.
Filinia was alive and well and that should count for something. Yet, he had allowed himself to be distracted by Julia, giving Romington the perfect opportunity to kidnap Filinia. Could he plea the possibility that the vampire had compelled Julia into seducing him? Yes, but he had no other solid evidence to prove his argument. Regardless, all he could do for now is to enjoy whatever time he may have with his mate and worry about the first matter later.
Neither Filinia nor Tuluc realized how late it had gotten, or rather early in the morning until the rising sun waved its greetings between streets and buildings. And as Tuluc's bike finally putt-puttedputted to a stop in front of the Stad's house, Filinia's hold around the shaggy-haired boy refused to let go for a few minutes. She couldn't explain it, even to herself, but her friend—more than a friend's scent was so intoxicating, like rosemary and lavender strangely mixed together in harmony. How was she going to tell him about what her father had said to her? She had a feeling he already knew, and it saddened her that she may have to go to Cyré by herself.
Eventually, Filinia loosened her hold and slid off the bike, slowly pulling the helmet off of her head. When her eyes met Tuluc's, any negative thoughts or feelings she had seemed to melt away. Although not completely, as much as it pained her, she needed to voice what her father had said. For by doing so, maybe she wouldn't feel as alone with the knowledge in or her inevitable departure than she already did. Her stay in Cyré, however long that may be, would be unbearable without Tuluc. Whatever this budding romance was or will be, would he wait for her, or would he eventually move on?
"Tuluc?" Filinia nervously said.
"Yes?" Tuluc said, pulling her closer to him to kiss her forehead.
"I might have to leave for Cyré," Filinia said, her breathing shortening with anticipation of his answer.
"I know."
"You do?" Filinia asked.
Tuluc nodded, momentarily releasing her so that he could get off his motorcycle. He then reclosed the gap between them.
"How?" Filinia asked, exasperated.
"Call it a lucky guess," Tuluc answered with a light chuckle and placed another kiss on her forehead.
Filinia didn't know what else to say, so she buried her face in Tuluc's muscular chest. The cool, light humidity in the air cowered by the warmth radiating from him, and she didn't care what the moisture in the air was doing to her unnaturally white curls. She didn't know when she would have to leave, but she knew she didn't want this moment to end. And when Tuluc's chin rested on top of her head, she knew he didn't want it to end either.
They went inside, and after spending a few hours of talking, and mostly kissing, Tuluc and Filinia fell asleep in each other's arms on Filinia's bed for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. Thankful it was still the weekend and neither her mother nor Guneeta had knocked on her door to check on them, Filinia stretched as she slowly woke up. The now sixteen-year-old Japanese red maple in her tiny backyard rustled from the wind weaving through the alley that separated the neighboring homes. The sun was still relatively high in the sky and the evening commute had barely begun.
Filinia lifted her head to look at Tuluc, who was tranquilly asleep though his head rested on the headboard in what must be a most uncomfortable position. His usual scruff around his jawline seemed fuller than it had been before they had fallen asleep, which made her wonder if it was a result of his werewolf traits. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours or so that the two of them wrapped together almost seemed like a dream. In truth, the last two weeks had felt like this. She had pondered many times within this span of time that a small part of her wondered if she was insane. She was pretty certain she wasn't, but the overwhelming thought of there still being a whole lot more she didn't know about herself and Cyré had her anxiety levels a little on the high side. Filinia was about to move the black hair from Tuluc's face when he let out a heavy exhale.
"You know in most cultures, it's considered rude to stare," Tuluc said, his eyes remaining closed. "And a bit creepy, too."
"Sorry," Filinia said, resting her head back on Tuluc's chest.
His light chuckled rippled throughout his body.
Filinia found the beating of his heart and his breathing to be quite soothing. And when he leaned to kiss the top of her head, it sent a magnificent chill down her spine.
"We should probably go downstairs," Tuluc said after some time had passed. "I'm sure your mother and Guneeta have some things theywould like to discuss."
"Do we have to?" Filinia groaned, tightening the hold she had around Tuluc.
"Yes, my beautiful one," Tuluc answered, kissing the top of her head again and slowly elevated himself off of the bed, which forced Filinia to do the same, though very reluctantly.
"Beautiful one?" she asked with a smile as she walked over to his side by the bed.
Placing both hands on either side of her face, Filinia felt his lips brushed against hers. A smile spreading further across both of their faces as Tuluc's hands glided down her arms, sending electric sparks, until they found their way to the fabric of the black pleated skirt she was still wearing. His pelvis momentarily crashed into hers before he pulled away and gestured to her bedroom door. She reluctantly nodded before exiting with him, the fingers of one of their hands  interlaced in on another, and down the stairs to the kitchen.
Both her mother and Guneeta looked as disheveled as she and Tuluc were, sipping on freshly made coffee. It was clear that all four of them had been up later than they normally were as Guneeta gestured for the two to sit as she rose to go pour them a cup. Obliging, Tuluc kissed the back of Filinia's hand before releasing it so they could both receive their mugs from the maternally beautiful Indian's hands. And for a few minutes, no one spoke, waiting for their coffee to work its magic.
For reasons unknown to Filinia, she was a little nervous at the length of the silence and who would be the first to break it. There were many issues that needed to be addressed, though she wasn't sure if hers matched her mother's and Guneeta's. As overprotective as her mother was and Guneeta being the counterbalance, now that they were all together—well, she supposed she was too afraid to say them aloud. It had been a different kind of fear when she had brought it up to Tuluc after the ride home for she knew, or at least hoped, so that she would see her mother and Guneeta again. Her mother not only being a key, but the queen of Cyré, would have the ability of traveling between worlds as she pleased, having the option of taking Guneeta with her. Regardless of these assumptions, she didn't want to be the one who voiced the issues clogging the table.
"Somebody tell a joke," Tuluc said in his best impression of the grandfather in the movie, Moonstruck.
Filinia couldn't help but let out a chuckle. The movie was one of her favorites and it was exactly what she needed at that moment to calm her nerves. And from what she could tell by the short chuckles from her mother and Guneeta, the need requited. Not completely, but enough to be somewhat comfortable to finally start what they all thought could wait a little while longer.
"Bachchee, your mother and I have discussed it long and hard—" Guneeta started to say.
Here we go, Filinia thought, her dread draining the blood from her face.
"We think it would be wise..."
Filinia could feel her heart thumping so loud and fast, her breath was racing alongside it.
"...if you both finished the school year before you two go to Cyré," Guneeta finished.
"What?" both Filinia and Tuluc shouted, thinking they heard her wrong.
"Do you think it's smart to prolong the journey?" Tuluc asked.
"Both of us?" Filinia asked.
"We're just joking," Katryn said. "Not about the two of you going."
"Will His Majesty allow this?" Tuluc asked self-consciously. "No offense Your Majesty, but I don't think he would agree to this. I failed to do what he ordered me to do. Filinia would be much safer traveling alone."
"And breakup this budding romance?" Katryn said calmly, pointing to both her daughter and Tuluc. "Yes, I've known for some time about you two and I couldn't be happier that you two finally admitted it to each other. It may have been taboo when your parents were alive, and I think I can speak for Mikael how sorry we both are for the actions that were taken. However, we can't change the past, but we can change the here and now. So to answer your question, I believe His Majesty will allow it."
"But..." Tuluc protested.
Guneeta held up her hand, which seemed to indicate that the decision was final.
Filinia was aware that Tuluc had only said what he said to prevent both of them from getting in trouble. She was more pleased for Tuluc's sake than for her own. She was going to Cyré regardless, but the fact he was coming with her was awesome. However, she did feel a little awkward displaying affection towards him in front of the women who had raised her, despite their now obvious knowledge that Tuluc and her had been more than just friends.
"I have a question," Filinia said, her brow furrowing together.
"Yes?" her mother responded.
"What about school? I mean, what about our teachers? Won't they find it odd that the two of us aren't there? Are you guys just going to say we transferred or something? This late in the school year?" Filinia asked, sort of more to herself than to everyone at the table.
"Guneeta has that all covered," Katryn assured her daughter.
"I never got to ask, but are you a witch like Coco?" Filinia asked, looking at the Indian woman sitting across from her.
"Not exactly, Bachchee," Guneeta chuckled. "I'm a shapeshifter, but my grandmother was one. But I can only cast simple spells like altering people's memories into believing you two have been afforded the opportunity to study abroad, 'courtesy' of your principal's excellent recommendation. That should at least buy you two some time between now until the end of summer."
"What if we are in Cyré longer than that?" Filinia asked, still perplexed at how this would work out for all of them.
And when everyone's lips started to curl, before releasing uncontrollable laughter, Filinia felt frustration and confusion emanating from within her chest, down her arms, and to the tips of her fingers as they balled into tight fists. Had her loved ones gone mad? Or did they once again know something she didn't?

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