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Instead of a late update I came up with this solution..
This is the back story around which the upcoming plot will revolved.. So i found a comment wherein the user asked me to be little more clear about the plot.. So to avoid future confusion and make it a bit easy so that you all can connect better to plot..

This whole chapter unfolds maximum twist and link between the characters.. Suspense is out but i promise to make you all stay grounded and excit more😉😉

All i will say is my favorite iconic dialogue..




3yrs ago, when RR was signing a deal in Taj hotel, one of the reputed restaurant of Hyderabad, he saw a familiar face, a face he couldn't forget.. KRISHNA RAO..
For a sec he couldn't believe it, he was completely blank.. Alas he is The Raghav Rao, he gathered himself and went behind him but the person was no where to be found.. Was it really Krishna Rao, or just his wild assumptions.. Too many questions and storms raising in him and all that can calm him down is, his Chitti.. Raghav used to share everything his pain, his joy (wasn't more through), his mood swings everything with Farhaad, now he have many to share his both happiness and sorrow but back those days it was just his Chitti..

With a serious discussion and placing all possibilities on their list, they came up with a solution to hire a private detective and further investigate in this matter..
After 3 long month of good search, still they were clue less.. Finally at the end of the 5th month, the detective gave up the work as they had not got even a single lead in this matter...

But Raghav just couldn't let go the fact, he was so sure about his 6th sense and his inner instinct, he was sure that it wasn't just an illusion.. Then finally he got an idea to search and spy on white collar people as he was also one among them.. His illegal business was covered by leagal mirage in eyes of the people.. And his guess worked, but it was too late.. KRISHAN RAO has already left the country, he was here for a sort time only, he used to frequently change his identities and finding him was something next to impossible..
Looking his records of identity swapp and setting a sequence in his visti to country he found certain similarities and was now sure he will soon return and this time he isn't going to spare him..



ACP Laxmi and Krishna Rao

ACP laxmi is quite a ambitious officer, she is from a male dominated society, she was married in quite young age but her husband helped her in presuming her aim to become a officer. But she always tries to satisfy her feminist ego with her achievement that other male officers couldn't do.. Unknowingly to her, her ego has made her a quite emotion less.. She separated from husband and the very reason was her anger and the reason was Krishna Rao.. She was chief investigating officer, she desperately wanted Krishna Rao behind the bars and this distant her from her husband.. Late night shifts, always on case work that she ignored her personal life completely.. This still made sense to his husband, Mehul but ignoring their 10 yrs daughter was something that he couldn't bare.. They got Seperated but their daughter, Anjali's custody still was with her.. In all these mess she lost major lead on case and couldn't solve as Krishna Rao has already left the country...

This loss made her more egoistic and stubborn.. She never failed in any of her case, it's just Krishna Rao and the other after was recent one Raghav Rao smuggling case..

2 months back..

Raghav got to know Krishna Rao soon will be coming back for major deal, this time it will be his end.. ACP laxmi was still having a eye.. She has not forgotten her 1st loss.. She too was waiting for this opportunity.. Both Raghav and ACP came to now about each other that they are behind the same person.. This time Raghav extended a partnership as he need help too and moreover they knew that they needed each other..

Legally this issue couldn't be solved and without a upper supreme support ACP too can't do more.. So the plan was.. an UnAuthorised way, which will be executed by RR and ACP will cover it up with her legal strategies...

Both have been working in this case for past 2 months and tomorrow they have to board a flight to Delhi where according to their theories Krishna Rao could be found...

Among all this neither ACP shared nor Raghav why they were back of Krishna Rao it's there personal issue and they respect each other choice to not reveal their intentions...

ACP now knew that RR is no more into any illegal work and the lesson what RR thought was too justified, she had a guilt of shooting Pallavi and Abhishek..

They were together only to fight up the enemy..
Khete hai naa.. Dushman ke Dushman dost hote hai..

New character that will be introduced..

Mehul: ACP Laxmi's Ex-husband (as she is divorced now)

Mehul Vyas is a Professor in Hyderabad reputed college
Simply, sweet, sensible person who still loves his wife and their lovely daughter Anjali..

Anjali: A 17 yr old girl, she doesn't like her seperated parents and always tries to do her best as she thinks being emotional is something weak people's character..

ACP Laxmi: she always tries to be best because of her ego, she want to prove her daughter that her mother is best and no one can defeat her mother.

Krishna Rao: same story as in MHRW, rest new addition you will know with upcoming twist and turns..

Apart from new character some old character are going to come back too🥳🥳🥳


SPOILERS: Raghav won't be spared for his lie😂
And its not just Pallavi angry with him, something more to come 😝😝

The story will continue from last chapter only..




Stay safe & health

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