48. Revelation 3 DRUG SWAPP

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In RR factory Farhaad is held at gun point.. Farhaad puts his phone down (he was checking CCTV connections)

Gun pointer: Game over Mr. Handsome..

Farhaad gets hold of her and snatch the gun from her hold and pulls her towards him and hold her by waist😎

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Farhaad gets hold of her and snatch the gun from her hold and pulls her towards him and hold her by waist😎

Farhaad: Game has just begun Begum jaan..

And then she hugs him back..

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Did you guessed it😅😄










It's Amrutha..

Back story how amrutha got here..

Amrutha is new love interest of KR, Amrutha when she was a complete spoil brat she tried drugs couple of times to show of in her friends and prove herself Cool (peer pressure) her ex boyfriend Ronnie is drug peddler which she got to know when she saw him with KR, back then she didn't know that who KR is, when pallavi and others were planning & she saw the pic she recognised him.. It was a matter of 4 years before. She remembered as Ronnie introduced her to KR.. With help of Ronnie she got KR information and barged into same bar as he was in and flirt with him and KR got attracted to her.. And took her along with him..

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