when their s/o gets sick [Heartslabyul]

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You getting sick.. he already knows what to do about it! (probably and hopefully..) he may and might of ask some of his yk buds for help if he doesnt know something about your sickness but dw! he'll probably try finding some medicines,herbs.. pillows and comforts- anything that can help you!

He'll try his best to stay with you and take care of you plus! take good care of you.

if you start coughing non-stop tho he'll rub your back and ask if you need smth,give you a few kisses for comfort and maybe a tin-tiny hug! hehe ;D

He doesnt panick about it well only if its a big deal.. but if he does try to stop him before he gets a heart attack like you did when you made him fall for you lol



When you told/texted him that you're sick he immediately checked the time and when he saw that he has some free time until next classes, he maked food for you,searched for medicines and comfort.. etc.

He stayed by your side until you get better! if its not that big of a deal.. he'll make sure you'll still attend your classes while bringing you tissues and anything that can cool ya down! ^^



Im telling you, hes trying his best by searching or asking people how or what can help you

tho make sure to remind him he has classes to attend to because he really cares for you alot

and i dont think i've mentioned he stopped going thru his phone while taking care of you, only using it for searching on what or what can help you



poor ace feelings so sad he cant help you properly- he tried by making you soup only for it end up tasting like a hotdog smashed with sausage that expired

so ofc he asked trey for help.

He stayed with you peppering you kisses in the cheeks, hugging you and sobbing.

then he was so happy when he found out when your okay! he gave you tight hug that you cant barely breath



He tried to help by bringing soup,medicines thing that can help you but not much more then that

He was so worried abt you tho and he also felt bad he cant do anything more then that

You assured him its fine that you'll get better soon and he returned with a small smile (maybe with a tiny red blush on his cheeks too)


words: 479


published: feb. 1 ,2022

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